illicit affairs

71 1 0

TW: mention of suicide

'Take the road less traveled by
Tell yourself you can always stop
What started in beautiful rooms
Ends with meetings in parking lots'

The night was nearing an end and the sun begining to rise as Ellie Bishop got up out of another man's bed. She made her way home quickly hoping to have time for a shower before having to leave for work. The sight of the rising sun as she walked down the cold dark streets was a beauty that could never be replicated or compared to anything else.

She walked into her house with an hour and a half left before she would need to leave for work. As the hot water rushed down her body her mind wandered to the night before and a small smile spread across her face.

Time went by quickly. Within an hour she had showered and dried most of her hair. 'Fuck it' she thought to herself deciding to put her hair into two braids and let her hair dry naturally throughout the day instead of continuing to blow dry it. She chucked her clothes on and left for work the sun now fully rose.

There wasn't much to do at work other than finish the last few parts of the case they had already been working on. It was quite boring just sitting behind a desk doing paperwork. The only thing keeping her brain focused was the music blasting through her airpods.

"El... El... Bishop!" Nick was shouting trying to get her attention. She took out one of her airpods and looked up at him. He hovered over her for a second before speaking, "Me and McGee are going to go get lunch you want to come with?" He asked.

"Yea sure give me a second" she replied slowly getting up out of her chair and pausing her music. The three walked towards the lift all in step with each other. As they got into the lift there was an awkward silence as McGee stood in-between Nick and Ellie.

"So anyone do anything fun last night?" McGee asked knowing the other two had went to a bar when he went home.

"Nah nothing really," the pair answered simultaneously. Despite this denying comment both their faces grew red. The awkward silence lingered all throughout lunch as Nick and Ellie caught themselves going between ignoring eachother and stolen glances.

If there wasn't already enough tension as they left a young 20 something year old waitress began flirting with Nick. It was insufferable for both McGee and Ellie to have to watch them and wait before going back to work.

Never before had Ellie worked so hard and furiously on paperwork before. She had to aim her anger somewhere and it seemed perfect. Until she finished all she needed to do and still wasn't early enough to go home yet. She stood up and marched up the stairs to Jack's office. The two had became far more close recently.

"What's he done?" Jack asked before anyone had even entered the room. Ellie slouched onto the couch in the corner.

"He's flirting with young, pretty, stupid waitresses," she half yelled infuriated by Nick. "We had a great time last night and then we get to today and we're back to just friends."

Jack sits in her hair chair leaning back as she takes in this information.

"You would think," Ellie continues "even if he's going to pretend nothings happened between us he'd at least have the decency to not flirt with other people right in front of me!"

There's a small silence after she gets what she's feeling out "wanna play darts?" Jack asks standing up and picking up some darts. She walks across the room opening the dart board as she sees Ellie nod her head.

While they throw darts ,Jack like a professional and Ellie extremely aggressive, they start talking more about anything else.

"So how are things with you and Gibbs?" Ellie asks as she launches a dart at the board hitting double 2.

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