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A/n this 100% is not just a better wrote version of what i wrote today for my English mocks its an au btw

The year was 2022, the world was still trying to fight a pandemic and people were looking forward to upcoming movies such as Dr Strange and the multiverse of madness. The sky was a bright blue. Not a cloud could be seen. The sun shone bright and everything seemed joyful.

That morning Ellie had gotten up to go for a run before college. A strange glowing orb shone brighter than diamonds. Despite knowing better than to walk towards ominous glowing objects floating in midair she approached. It was like there was a magnetic field surrounding it drawing her in. BANG! 

The orb disappeared along with Ellie. All that was seen was empty streets. 

The year is 2222 and a bright, glowing orb just appeared out of nowhere bring a 20 yr old girl with it. She looked around in confusion. Everything was destroyed. Children were out stealing from the rich to look after there ill parents. The sky was a crimson red with nimbus clouds shadowing above it. Everything looked hopeless. "Help!" Ellie shouted to anyone who would listen. "Hey what's with the shouting you ok?" a young man asked. 

It was obvious Ellie was panicking. "Where am i?" Her breathing was shallow. "Relax your in Washington DC." The young man said thinking it would help. It only seemed to make her worse. "What year is it? Who are you? Is this real?" She had so many questions. "It's 2222, I'm Nick, I hope this is real or my entire life is a lie. Do you have any idea about anything?" Nick seemed incredibly calm. She just shook her head violently. It couldn't be 2222 that was 100 years away from now. 

She sat on the floor shaking. Nick knelt down next to her placing a hand on her shoulder, "do you know who you are?" He asked. "I'm Ellie." 

The next month was spent trying to get Ellie back to 2022 but now she wasn't sure she wanted to go back. Nick made her happier than anyone has ever been able to before, he made her smile when she was missing her family and he had this laugh that could make anybody laugh no matter how they felt. They spent their nights watching films Nick had seen millions of times but hadn't even been released yet in Ellie's mind. 

That night they were watching a horror film with Emily Wickersham's grandson in. She had only recently given birth it was hard to understand how in this 'old' film shes had a grandson. It was late Ellie's head rested on Nick's chest as she slowly fell asleep. His arm wrapped around her the other pulling a blanket over her. 

The next day there was the giant glowing orb with the strange magnetic field again. She knew what this meant. It was time to go home. "I love you Nick," she said walking towards the orb tears rolling down her cheeks. Before she got close enough for the orb to send her back she was turned around by the young man. He took her face in his hand and gently but passionately kissed her. She indulged in his kiss before they broke apart for air. "I love you to Ellie," he said. BANG!

"Ellie wake up you have your test in half an hour," her room mate said shaking her body. She woke up suddenly. "It's 2022 right?" she asked seriously. Her room mate saw this as a joke and laughed nodding. Realising it was a dream she got up and chucked clean clothes on before going to her criminology test.

In the exam hall she sat in her designated seat twiddling with her thumbs and playing with her pen as she waited for the last 10 minutes of the test to finish. Sat one row in front and one column to the right there was a young man the same age as her finishing the final question. Nick Torres.

A/n 680 words and its better than in the exam should have wrote it this way lmap. pls vote and comment it would help alot i would be eternally grateful.


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