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"What's GNSDILY?" a very confused McGee asked to no-one in particular reading the text messages on the screen.

"Good night sweet dreams i love you" Ellie and Nick said in unison gaining extra looks of confusion from Gibbs and McGee.

They ultimately brushed it off as what the younger generation say Nick and Ellie being quite a bit younger than them thinking they both had different partners they say it to. That was only half right. The previous night they had been texting about what they were gonna do on their film night. The conversation going a bit like this;

Ellie: we could get pizza and watch a horror movie

Nick: you hate horror films though what about an action movie

Ellie: they all go the same way every time

Nick: ok how about we go to the movie theatre and see whats on their and choose a movie there

Ellie: can we get pizza after 

Nick: sure gonna sleep now gnsdily

Ellie: :) ly2 gn

That was just the previous night. They had been texting every night for the past few months every time ending with gnsdily. Despite them always saying they loved each other over text they had never actually said it in person and weren't even seeing each other probably.

When McGee and Gibbs had left them alone a few minutes later it was the best time to tell each other just how much they meant it when they said they loved one another.

"I meant what I said last night you know," Ellie said.

"What do you mean?" Nick questioned.

"I love you."

254 words just a short one i was reminded of the gnsdily earlier today and thought of this


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