how to say i love you

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Nick walked Ellie to her car as he did most days but today was different. Today he was going to tell her how he felt. ''Thanks for the help today Nick i don't know what would have happened if you weren't there," Ellie says. One of her high school bullies was a suspect on the case they were working. He kept agitating Ellie making any comment he could to provoke her. Nick stepped in put him in his place for that she was grateful. "No problem B i'll see you tomorrow and umm." he hesitated. "What Nick?" Ellie asked. "Nothing, doesn't matter." he responded before she drove home. 'Dammit why didn't i just tell her' he thought to himself. 

"You should have told him," Ellie said to herself while she drove home. The roads were clear and dark. The headlights of the car lightened everything so she could see while she drove. It was beautiful. Not one cloud was to be seen in the dark sky.  Stars shone bright like diamonds across the night sky. It was a crescent moon that night. The area looked like a road trip aesthetic art project. As the thought crossed her mind she wished more and more she was with Nick. In an attempt to distract herself from him she turned on the radio in the hopes a song she liked would come on, one that wouldn't remind her even more of him. She was wrong. All the small things by blink-182 was playing.

As the song played her mind filled with memories of her and Nick, times he did even the smallest things and it made her life so much happier. Then her mind went to their time undercover when they would listen to blink-182 together at night pretending they were in a music video or concert. Going undercover was one of Ellie's fondest memories of her and Nick because when they were Charlie and Luis she could tell him how she felt and he would take it in as Charlie instead of her. When they kissed it was unlike anything she had felt before. Why couldn't she just be Charlie again and tell him how she felt.

The next day at work the team found out Nick was offered his own team in New York. Ellie pretended to be happy for him but wouldn't talk to him throughout the day when she found out he was seriously considering it. "B whats wrong it's like you've been avoiding me all day?" Nick asked when he was in the elevator with her. They were meant to be going to Abby's lab. "Nothing's wrong. I'm fine," Ellie lied. Her neck was clearly sweating so Nick flipped the emergency stop switch. "Tell the truth." he said, "I am." Ellie lied again. He raised an eyebrow giving her a questioning look. "If you were fine you wouldn't be avoiding me what's wrong?" he asked her again. "Nothing is wrong why would i avoid you when this could be the last day working with you?" she asked rhetorically. She knew she was avoiding him. If she spent all day with him it would only hurt more when he left. "Is this about New York?" he half yelled. She said she was happy for him why would she now be mad at him for it. "Yes Nick it is because i thought we were partners and now you're meant to be going to New York to have your own team without me!" she shouted. It sounded selfish, it was sort of. "I thought you were happy for me it why i was going to say yes because if everyone was happy for me to have my own team then i should why are you mad now?!" he yelled back. "Because i love you Nick!" she shouted flipping back the emergency stop so the elevator continued going to Abby's lab.

A/n its very short 648 words but i couldn't think properly.  vote and comment please any thoughts would be appreciated.

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