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"Did you hear we're meant to be getting our own jet?" Nick asked Ellie across the bullpen. She just nodded.

Something hasn't been right with her recently. She's been quieter, eating less and distant from everyone.

"I heard one time Dinozzo and Gibbs had to get a comercial flight and the security didn't let them have extra storage and stuff until Ducky got there. Atleast that won't happen to us right."

Still nothing.

"And private jets have cool stuff you can't get on normal planes."

"Yeah cool i geus," Ellie said. It was the first thing she had said in days.

"Dead marine, wer'e using the jet grab your stuff," Gibbs said walking through the bullpen with his coffee.

They all got up grabbing there bags and left.

On the jet Nick, McGee and Gibbs discussed aspects of the case and Ellie remained silent. So was the entire jet for another half hour.

There was several chairs facing eachother with tables between amd one sofa along the side. That's where Ellie sat for the most of the ride.

Nick took a seat next to her and pulled her into him. "What's wrong Ellie?" he asked with sincere worry for her.

"It's nothing i'm fine"

"No your'e quiet and aren't eating as much what's wrong"

"My brother's in hospital."

He pulled her closer towards him and comforted her as tears started to stream down her face.

A/n the jet was unnecessary it just meant this could have happened when they were at work and honestly i had no idea where thks was going i was just bored.


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