First Impressions

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Ellies pov:

How can he be continually undercover and not break. He has had to be so many people all the time. I thought to myself. What if he did and he's not actually trying to help us.

I walked towards the directors office accidentally over hearing the conversation they're having. I don't know whats happened but Gibbs is saying something about it being his fault about his sister and disrespecting the badge.

I walked in the office and they all stop. "Sorry to interrupt director but we have a lead on silvas target," i say. Gibbs just sort of stares at Torres for a while and Torres stares back. Whatever happened must have been bad because i can't see Gibbs' face but i can see Toress' and his eyes are flooded with anger.

*very slight time skip*

A man on a motorbike placed a bomb on the judges car and was stopped from leaving by Gibbs. He still goes to ride off but Torres says he's got it and starts shooting. I don't know how but he didn't hit anybody just the bike.

It was impressive that he could hit a moving target with such precision. He probably got it from being undercover constantly. He lifted the mans visor on the helmet and says something. I don't know what. Gibbs pulled the judge out of her car just before it exploded and they run off. Everyone has evacuated and no one is hurt.

We arrest silva and tell him of the recording his daughter took. He'll be going away for a long time. He spent part of the interrogation talking about Torres not being able to face him. It wasn't necessarily bad stuff he was saying about him but for some reason it infuriated me. Perhaps it was just because he did a lot to help us today. Probably just that.

He walks into the bullpen. "how's your sister?" i ask.

"Well she regained consciousness. Lucia's a fighter." he said happily at the thought his sister would be okay. He had a huge smile on his face as he says this and my face starts to form a smile too.

"Do you have any idea when she is going to be released?" McGee asked him.

"Not for a few weeks, figured i'd stick around help out with Amanda. You know while she recovers." Nick amswered.

"Well if you need anything we're here." i tell him. He thanks us not in those words but he thanks us and asks where Gibbs is. He had just missed him but Gibbs had left somethong for him in the top draw of McGees old desk. It was his badge. He was going to be on a team. For the first time but well theres a first time for everything

He's unsure but there's only one way to find out. I hope he says yes it would be good to have him around.

He has a slight grin so i'm going to take it as a yes. So i'll be seeing him at work tomorrow.

Nicks pov:

I had been picked up by some NCIS agents after a fight. I figured it was about silva and me not checking in. I go with them.

There's one agent that i quite like. She's got blonde hair that's long but not too long. Her eyes are hazel and her clothes are well coordinated colour wise. She's beautiful.

We set up a meet with silvas daughter only he put a bomb under my seat. I was angry to the point i handed the director my badge. This pissed off Gibbs and he starts ripping into me, how im disrespectful and it's my fault what happened to my sister.

The blonde agent from earlier opens the directors door. "Sorry to ibterrupt director but we have a lead on silvas target." She said. Me and Gibbs stare at eachother for a few seconds and i can feel her eyes on me. Gibbs leaves and i follow on after.

A judge was the target but we couldn't see her and she didn't answer the phone. The corn on the cob i had though was amzing.

Turns out the target was the traffick line and we are all running towards the traffick. A man on a motorbike places the bomb on the judges car and goes to ride off. I shoot at the motorbike making sure not to hit him or anyone around.

He's on the ground and i lift up the visor on the helmet. "Hi David," I say to him. Just as i say that Gibbs gets the judge out of the car and they start running. Then the bomb goes off.

They arrested silva. In interrogation he said i was to scared to face him and the truth. He was wrong. They had a recording off him admitting everything to his daughter that she gave them. He would be away for a long time.

At the end of the day i walk towards the bullpen and i can see McGee and Bishop talking. I don't know what about but i can see her smiling.

She asked about my sister who is doing well. Another small smile forms on her face when i say she's good.

I wanted to see Gibbs but i just missed him. He did however leave something for me in the top draw off an empty desk. It was my badge, they were inviting me into there team.

I've never been part of a team and i voice this. "There's a first time for everything," Bishop said. I was unsure but i think i will join. Especially if it means i get to see Bishop everyday.

I know i've just met her and we don't really know eachother, but i think i love her.

A/n two new one shots in the same week is this a new me or am i just bored because it's half term who knows. I hope u like this cos trying to write while watching the scenes was hard. Please vote and comment anything u liked or i could do better.


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