chapter 510

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Elsa looked at her children with disbelief. Then, she went to the kitchen counter where she had left her phone. Quickly, she searched for Rosanna's number and called it. She remembered saving it years ago when Rosanna had called her asking for a painting, hoping that she hadn't changed it.

Rosanna was seated at home, drinking some coffee. When her phone rang on the table, she picked it up to see who it was and was surprised to find Elsa calling her. Just like Elsa, Rosanna had gotten her number when she had asked for the painting. Now, of course, she had changed the way she saved the number and saved it as her daughter.

With a jolly face, she answered the call. "Hello, Elsa?"

"Is Jeremy blind?" That was the first thing Elsa asked when she heard Rosanna's voice.

Taken by surprise, Rosanna was quiet for a moment before answering. "Yes, he is." She didn't want to lie to Elsa.

"How long has he been blind?"

"Since the fire," Rosanna replied.

Like an accusation, Elsa shrieked this question, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"He told all of us not to tell you anything, Elsa. His injuries that day were very serious. He couldn't even walk because his calf was broken, and the smoke damaged his retinas. But he made us swear not to ever tell you."

Those words made Elsa narrow her eyes in confusion. "Why? Why did he tell you not to tell me?"

Rosanna chuckled quietly when she heard that. "Really, Elsa? You're going to ask me this like you don't know the answer?"

Elsa was silent for a while before she asked with a low voice, "What do you mean?"

"He did this because he loves you, silly girl. He has always loved you, always. This was an act of true love. Only someone who loves the other person would do this. He didn't want to hold you back and wanted you to move on and be happy, so he kept his injuries from you. Jeremy loves you, Elsa. He truly does. He let you go because he loves you."

Those words made Elsa's breathing hitch. She blinked repeatedly as she took in what she had just been told.

"Umm... Okay... I'll... I'll call you back... Umm... Goodbye."

With that, she hung up immediately and rushed over to the living room where the kids were.

"Yuliana, Braden, do you remember what Jeremy's hotel room number is?"

The kids nodded and immediately told her. After getting the information, Elsa grabbed her car keys and rushed out of the house, driving quickly to the resort.

The drive had never felt as long as it did at that moment. She felt her tension growing as she got closer to the resort.

Was Jeremy really blind?

That would explain why he did not look at her the time they met. He even told the kids not to tell her he was blind. He truly did not want her to know.

When she got to the resort, she didn't even stop at the reception and rushed over to Jeremy's room. She found the door, although closed, was slightly open. She walked in quietly, making sure not to make a single noise, and stood next to the door. Jeremy truly was blind. He was resting on the bed, playing with the wedding ring on his finger, but did not notice Elsa standing in the direction he was looking.

He seemed to be deep in thought, thinking about something that made him smile slightly.

While observing him, Elsa took out her phone and called him. The moment Jeremy heard his phone ring, he jumped in panic.

"Angel..." he whispered quietly as his eyes wandered around aimlessly.

But after the first few rings, he sat back again and started playing with the wedding ring. Elsa saw the sad look on his face as he listened to his phone ring but did not answer.

When the call ended, Jeremy said with a broken voice, "Now I understand why they say timing is important. When you loved me, I didn't appreciate you or treat you well. I only realized my mistakes and the error of my ways after I lost you. But when I loved you, I had lost your love... Heh! Why would fate allow two people who cannot be together to fall in love? Why let us fall in love at different times? Why, angel? Why?... But it's okay, you know? Even if you don't love me anymore, I'll always love you. You're the only woman I'll ever love, Elsa Halverson. In this life, and the next..."

Elsa listened to that confession and felt her heart beat fast. Silently, she called him again while looking at Jeremy. He looked like he wanted to answer, but it was like something was holding him back from doing so.

When the rings ended without the call being answered, Elsa suddenly said, startling Jeremy, "Why aren't you answering my calls?"


My comment; both Elsa and Jeremy are annoying me.

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