chapter 508

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Coco went to pick up the kids and found them sleeping in Jeremy's arms in his bedroom.

Jeremy, knowing he couldn't help Coco carry the child to the car, had to give her an excuse. Coco carried Yuliana first and then came back for Braden. As she left with Braden, she bumped into Maricruz in the hallway, who was opening a door to another room. This confused Coco. If they were dating, why didn't they share a hotel room?

Now they definitely weren't acting like a couple... Either that or they were very reserved.

Either way, Coco found herself getting a weird feeling about Maricruz. For some reason, her hair didn't like her. Could it be because she was Elsa's friend? Thinking that was a reasonable explanation, Coco did not pay attention to that strange feeling she had and just kept walking away.


That night, Elsa stood in her room, wearing her nightgown, and stared intensely at the light switch. She never turned it off, not even during the day.

Her heart raced as she attempted something that terrified her to the core. With trembling hands, Elsa flicked the switch and turned off the lights.

However, the moment she saw how dark her surroundings were, memories of Jeremy being trapped in that fire flooded her mind without warning. Her breathing hitched, and she started shaking.

Quickly, she switched the lights back on, knowing she was about to have a panic attack. Unfortunately, it was already too late, as her body trembled so much that she could barely stand. She slid down the wall, feeling defeated, and cried her heart out until she fell asleep.


With the children wanting to spend the next day with Jeremy, Coco took them again in the morning, and Jeremy cancelled on Maricruz again.

Feeling like the trip would end without seeing Jeremy, Maricruz felt she had to do something.

"So you two are pretending to be dating in front of Elsa?" One of her girlfriends, Lucia, asked Maricruz.

"Yeah, and I like it... But I want more," Maricruz said as she stared at Jeremy playing with the children in the yard, as much playing as he could do without his sight.

Lucia also looked at Jeremy as she asked, "Then why did you agree to being his fake girlfriend?"

"I don't know, maybe I just hoped that it would turn into something real with time."

"Are you sure about that? That this would turn into that?"

"Yes. The only women in his life were Victoria and Elsa. Victoria is dead, and Elsa divorced him... Maybe I just need to create time for us to be alone together. Maybe it would help. Maybe it would bring us closer. Because I do want to be with him, Lucia. I do love him, and I want a chance to be loved by him as well."

Lucia smiled when she heard that. "Okay, then plan a candlelight dinner. I'm sure the staff will help."

Maricruz smiled at that idea. She could plan it to be on the last day before they left Coventina.


My comment; I wonder what Bruno will think about this.

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