chapter 502

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Jeremy heard what Maricruz said, but despite her generous offer, he rejected her. “No, thank you. My father is coming soon, and he'll take me home,” he replied.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay being here all alone?” Maricruz asked.

“I am,” Jeremy answered calmly.

“Okay, I hope to meet you soon.”


It was the next day, early in the morning. The old Master held Jeremy's hand and took him outside so they could bask in the sun together when a car drove into the compound.

Hearing a knock on the door of the Callahan Manor, Lorna went to answer it.

She looked at the person on the other side with surprise, saying, "Maricruz, hi. I didn't expect to see you here."

"Hello, Mrs. Callahan. Good morning," Maricruz said respectfully.

Opening the door wider and leading her inside, Lorna said, "Good morning to you. How are you today?"

"I'm good, thank you. Is Jeremy home?" Maricruz asked as they entered the living room.

Lorna stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Maricruz with wide eyes. "You came to see Jeremy?"

Maricruz nodded, still maintaining her smile. "I did. I spent time with him yesterday at the beach, so I thought I should come see him today too."

Lorna gasped. Jeremy had not spent time around any girl ever since Elsa left. He only spent his entire time thinking about Elsa. Could his son finally be moving on from Elsa? This felt like a big step to Lorna.

"You did? Does this mean that you and Jeremy could end up being together?" Lorna exclaimed happily.

When Maricruz heard that, her heart warmed up immediately after it skipped a beat. A blush formed on her cheeks as she looked at the ground shyly. "Mrs. Callahan, I don't—"

"You don't have to pretend with me, Maricruz. I know you love my son, you always have," Lorna said, taking Maricruz by surprise. Aside from Bruno, she had never confessed her love for Jeremy to anyone else, not even Jeremy himself.

But it seemed that Lorna Callahan had seen right through her.

"Maybe this time, with both Elsa and Victoria gone, you can take the spot as Jeremy's wife and win his heart," Lorna added, looking at Maricruz with a warm smile.

To her, Maricruz was the perfect girl. She was from a high-class family, a socialite with a good number of fans, and she did not have any demons in her closet. She was perfect for Jeremy. Nobody else.

With a sorrowful gaze, Lorna said to Maricruz while looking at a random wall, deep in thought, "My son has not had any luck with women. They have all turned out to be evil witches.

“First, there was Victoria, that woman was very wicked. She almost killed my son when she shot him and terrorized my grandson, pretending he was hers, only to have stolen him from Elsa...

“Elsa! Aargh! Don’t get me started on that girl. It’s because of her that Jeremy lost his company and his status. It is also her fault that he is blind now. She was so mad about what happened in the past, as if it was our fault that we were lied to and believed she was Gwen. I hope she keeps her distance from Jeremy and never comes back ever again. All she does is destroy Jeremy.”

With a deep sigh, she turned to look at Maricruz and smiled again. “But hopefully, he can finally find a good woman. Hopefully, now he will be happy with you.”

Those words encouraged Maricruz making her want to try with Jeremy.

Not waiting for Maricruz’s answer, Lorna took her hand and led her to where Jeremy was, then left her there, hoping that the Old Master would do the same so that the two could spend time alone together.

After greeting the Old Master, Maricruz hugged Jeremy, surprising both him and the Old Master. But Jeremy did not reject her. The Old Master watched their interaction closely before giving them some privacy.

Maricruz spent the whole day keeping Jeremy company and engaging in conversation with him. Jeremy would occasionally zone out and go quiet, but he still spoke to her in a friendly voice.

Despite being nice to Maricruz, Jeremy wanted to be alone that day and relive all his memories with Elsa. However, Maricruz had been kind enough to help him the day before, so he did not want to turn her away.

He knew he should use this distraction to stop himself from thinking about Elsa, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to think of her every chance he got. Elsa was still his lifeline, and he did not plan on changing that soon. He would always love her, and she would always be in his heart. That is why, despite Elsa divorcing him and leaving him, he still wore his wedding ring as if he were still married to her.

In the evening, Maricruz left. Before she left though, she asked Jeremy, “Jeremy, my friends and I are planning on going on a little trip. We want to go abroad to a country known for its beautiful countryside. It also has some beautiful, amazing cities, but we want to visit the countryside. Would you come with us?”

Hearing that, Jeremy felt reluctant about the idea. “You want to take a blind man on vacation? Won’t I just be like baggage? I won't even enjoy anything because I can't see.”

But Maricruz took a step closer to Jeremy, entering his personal space, as she started persuading him. “Come on, it will be fun. And you won't be baggage to have along; it will be the opposite. I really want you to come with me. Hopefully, we can spend time together then,” she said with a smile. She was already imagining spending the one-week vacation with Jeremy. She hoped that in those days, she would come back as Jeremy’s girlfriend.

While taking Jeremy’s hand into hers, she said, “Despite knowing you all my life, we've never truly spent time together before. We don't really know each other. This could be our chance.”

Jeremy’s eyebrows furrowed as he felt the hidden meaning in her tone and words. He slowly took his hand away from hers. He did not like how she kept holding his hand. Despite him trying to be nice, he did not want that happening again.

Realizing how close Maricruz was to him, Jeremy took a step back just to be safe.

He wanted to reject her either way, and her answer would not matter, but he still asked, “What country do you plan on going to?”



I had a second today.

Happy holidays....

Happy holidays

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