Holiday spirit

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TW: mild language, fluff, slight argument, mention of sex.

"Mom!" Your son Will shouted from the top of the staircase.

"Yes William." You shouted as you walked to the bottom looking up at him as he stood looking back at you.

"Dad's asked to see me today." You internally could have burst with anger.

"No." You said sternly.

"What, why?" He rolled his eyes.

"Because your mums cooked a whole family dinner that your dad refused to show up for anyway." Your boyfriend, wills step dad mason said.

You and Mason had been together for three years now, this year was your first year living in your newly built home in London. You are hosting Christmas for the first time with Mason, you and wills dad Toby didn't work gave birth to will when you was 16, will was 10 now and still couldn't get to grips with how much of a waste of space his real dad was. Toby wills dad never showed up for him, he only showed up for Will when it suited him. Apart from that anyone would think Mason was his real dad, they did everything together Mason being a famous football took Will to all of his matches and training sometimes with England. Lately Toby had been getting slightly jealous of Mason and wills relationship and Toby had been taking Will on weekends so Mason couldn't take him to matches which was damaging Mason and wills relationship,

"He wants to see me for Christmas." Will huffed back at Mason.

"Tough William." Mason shook his head in disagreement. "Tell your dad he's seeing you tomorrow like we originally agreed."

"He can't he's seeing Michelle tomorrow." Will said causing Mason to glare at you blankly.

"Who's Michelle?" You asked confused.

"Dad's new girlfriend." Will shrugged.

"Have you met her without us?!" You examined angrily.

"No I've not met her yet." He said.

Toby was known to be a-bit of a looser, he never got out and never did anything other than sit and watched you do everything with will. He had it so easy for himself it angered you seeing how lazy and arrogant he is. You and mason had met his ex girlfriend with Will when it was the first time, she was nice and you and mason felt happy with leaving Will with Toby and Ellie over night when he'd stay at his dads place, it was the fact you and mason hadn't been informed about this Michelle woman, and the fact Toby wanted Will to meet her without you and mason. Even though Will wasn't masons child Mason was just over protective as you are over him. Mason treated Will and loved him like his own, that why you love Mason so much he's so caring, loving, gentle.

"Look will your mums cooked Christmas dinner for all the family now, why don't we take you to your dads later on tonight after everyone's left, so we can all meet this Michelle." Mason said trying to be fair.

"Fine." Will sighed walking off, leaving you and Mason downstairs.

You wondered into the large white modern built kitchen with Mason, his brown eyes meeting yours as you wrapped your arms around his torso hugging into him. He always made you feel so much better.

"I hate how he thinks Toby is the best." You sighed relaxing into masons arms.

"I know you do babe." He nodded kissing your head softly.

"You're more like his dad than his real one." You said pulling away staring into your boyfriend's beautiful eyes.

"I try my best, I love the lad." He said smiling softly kissing you.

"Nan Debbie and grandad Tony are here." Will said as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen, he'd always called masons mom and dad nan and grandad.

"Cheers will mate, help your mum get the cutlery and plates out yeah?" Mason smiled as he wondered out to greet his mom and dad.

"I'm sorry mum." Will said.

"It's okay son." You smiled hugging him.

"Merry Christmas!" You heard masons mom Debbie exclaim joyfully as she walked into the kitchen throwing her arms around you and will.

"Merry Christmas deb !" You exclaimed hugging her.

"Merry Christmas Nan." Will hugged her.

"How's my favourite little man?!" She squealed kissing wills cheeks making him giggle.

Debbie and always been a second nan to him compared to your mom and dad, Debbie and Tony also loved Will like their own're such a close family. Thankfully yours and masons family loved each other and things were just always so easy, but with Toby's parents being horrible and always making things difficult you didn't invite them for dinner this year.

"No toby this year?" Tony said walking in hugging you and will.

"No." You smiled softly looking at Will as his brown eyes Softened.

"I should hope Toby is seeing him later?" Tony sighed pulling Will into his side comforting him.

"He is yeah." You nodded as mason appeared with your parents.

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Liked by...DeclanRice, LaurenFryer, Debbie mount, Manchester United FC, benchillwell, MarcusRashford, and 1.2 million others...
@ MasonMount: Merry Christmas from my family to yours ❤️ forever grateful for the love and support you give me every day...@ Lils Pearson ❤️
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@ Manchester United FC: Merry Christmas to you & your family ♥️

@ DeclanRice: Merry Christmas our besties 🫶🏻

@ DeclanRice: Merry Christmas our besties 🫶🏻

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Liked by... DeclanRice, LaurenFryer, benchillwell, MasonMount, DebbieMount, and 235,000 others.
@ Lils Pearson: 7 years ago! Where has all the time gone my boy 🥲 Merry Christmas from my family to yours ♥️ have a magical Christmas 🎄
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