Two Chelsea Boys : Part 3

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TW: language, mention of sex, fluff...

Two weeks you spent with Lauren and Declan before you decided to bite the bullet and move out of yours and bens house, you'd been renting an apartment out in Chelsea. Just around the corner was Lauren and dec, mason and Ben. You was still too scared to go to your local shop incase of bumping into either one of the boys...your head everywhere and worry drowning you surrounding both of the Chelsea boys. You'd never felt more ashamed for hurting Ben, you'd never kissed someone this regretted your mistakes but now you had to live with the consequences.

Ben was always too good for you in your head and your eyes, in bens eyes you was amazing. He was so hurt but your mistakes...he had isolated himself in your house, he couldn't bare to sleep in yours and his bedroom without you next to him. The thought of seeing mason at training turned his stomach, he did everything to avoid playing in training on masons team. They'd been a point where the coach had split them both up as things got pushy and heated. Mason tried all efforts to talk to Ben about shutting you out, of course mason was upset about Ben shutting him out...but mason really acted for you, some would say he'd fell for you. But what hurt him most was Ben shutting you out.

Lauren and Declan had both told mason how ben had shut you out, you hadn't even been to yours and bens house to get your'd brought new. You had hardly been outside your'd even driven a new route to work so you didn't have to drive past Stamford bridge. But you couldn't hide forever, today was a work doo for a girl called Lily who was going on maternity leave. You was all going to a club in cobham celebrating with her...of course you was all drinking alcohol for her as she of course couldn't drink. You'd showered and put on a slight bit of makeup, you'd waved your long hair...sprayed your signature scent and headed out in a taxi.

You arrived to a busy club that was alive with people dancing, singing, cheering, the strobe lights flashed around the room flashing across people's faces. You felt slightly'd not been out and seen anyone apart from work. So you'd see how you was going to cope tonight, you'd had at least two drinks before you loosened up. Lily convinced you to dance with her, your body loosened up and flowed with the beat of the was finally loosening up and having fun. A tray of shots came out before more dancing and glanced over when lily's face dropped, you looked over your shoulder to see the whole friendship group out...Laurens eyes immediately met yours and a horrified look spread across her eyes as you rushed to the toilet.

"What the hell are you doing here!" You exclaimed panicking as Lauren burst into the toilet.

"I didn't think you'd be in this club with them!" She panicked bitting her lip nervously.

"Are they here?" You dreaded asking her.

"Mason and Ben are here yes." She nodded.

"Oh god!" You groaned. "I need to get out of here!"

"Ben and mason haven't spoke all night." She said. "I don't think they'll notice you...just stay with Lily."

"Where in a really tiny club laur!" You gritted. "Of course they'll see me."

"Babe just go out if they notice you just act heartless or un bothered." She nodded. "I've got you!"

"Okay fine." You breathed out. "I'm trusting you laur."

"Love you!" She shouted as you rushed out of the Tolkien back to Lily.

"Love you too!" You shouted back.

You sat down back at the table with Lily, she stood up swaying to the side holding her belly. You knocked back your cocktail in hopes you'd get a grip and face your worst nightmare, staying here until it was over hoping neither of the brunettes made eye contact with sneaked a glance over at there booth, Lauren was sitting with her head leaned on Declan mason sat next to Declan opposite Jack grealish and Sasha. Ben being the other end of the table facing your back...luckily he never noticed as you weighed him up, his bright blue eyes glistened as the strobe lights flashed across his beautiful face.

You'd noticed a slight bit of stubble growing across his jaw, his jaw chiselled as always, his brunette hair fluffy, long and wavy. He was wearing a off- white black shirt with black cargos, with a pair of panda coloured Nike dunk shoes. He looked so good you had to admit you'd missed getting ready with him, he had style...his own unique style to his personality. You watched as he took a drink of his beer, he was mid conversation with jack and Sasha...mason being engrossed with a picture Declan was showing him. Mason on the other hand looked like he'd had no sleep.

His brown eyes looked filled with darkness, his usual smile not seen on his face...he was wearing a plain white t-shirt and cream coloured cargos, and some plain white air forces...mason hair also long and fluffy. You sighed turning around to be met with Lily shooting you a sympathetic smile...she held her arms out to you pulling you up and leading you to the dance floor. You let the music flood threw your body as the beat took you away, little did you know mason and bens eyes was burning into your moving body. Both of there eyes enticed with the gorgeous girl they'd both once been with.

Mason looked over at Ben and both of the boys eyes met each other, Ben stood up excusing himself from the group...mason couldn't take it anymore. Even though you looked up you was down, mason knew all you needed was to be home with Ben. Even if that killed mason he would do anything to make you happy again, even if it wasn't with him or for his benefit. His next move was bold he followed Ben outside bravely holding his head up, as soon as bens eyes met with masons Ben huffed angrily...mason sat down on the bench opposite Ben.

"Weather you like it or not." Mason said. "You still love her and she still loves you."

"Fuck off mason." Ben scoffed. "I have no reason to talk to either of you."

"Look Ben I get we both messed up and hurt you." Mason admitted. "But it was my fault not hers, if you want to hate someone hate me...not her please."

"Why should I believe you." Ben spat.

"Because why would I have a reason to lie, it was a kiss Ben nothing else I swear we was drunk and it was my fault...she never speak to me again she just wanted to be with you, she'd never want me." Mason pleaded to him.

"I can't believe you." Ben sighed, it pained him to hear mason say those words because it was his best friend and a girl he thought was his soulmate.

"Ben please even if it means you never speak to me again go and get her back." Mason said. "She needs you, and you need her."

"It doesn't change what you both did!" Ben exclaimed.
"She still kissed my best mate!" He shouted. "Yous till kissed my fucking girlfriend mason!"

"I get it!" Mason sighed. "It was my fault!"

"Please!" Mason started to feel himself become more and more at a loss. "Ben you love her so much mate, please she needs you and you know that do not let a stupid mistake that was all me ruin a beautiful life that you could have with a beautiful girl."

"How am I ever meant to trust you ever again." He said.

"You don't have too." Mason shrugged, all he cared about was you. "Take her back and I'll leave you alone, you'll never have to se ems apart from football."

"Is that a promise?" Ben said his eyes finally meeting masons, he was broke masons heart knowing that if he made this deal he'd have to never see you ever again...but if it meant you being happy again he would break his heart 10 times over again.

"I promise." Mason nodded seriously.

"I mean it mason, stay away from her." Ben said before he got up and walked back inside.

Mason walked in wiping the tears away from his eyes as he sat next to Declan, dec watched all of it and his heart broke for mason. But he knew why he did it, Lauren and dec hugged mason as he downed his drink...mason watched Ben approach you from a distance that he would now live at. He watched your face drop as the strobes flashed around you and Ben, he watched you become shocked and then comforted by the fact Ben was there...Ben was clearly offering to hear your side and to give you a chance to go home with him and speak.

Without you knowing mason mount just broke his whole heart apart for you...would you find out in the future what had really happened that night?

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