His Stylist

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TW: smut+swearing+fluff
This was a request I hope you enjoy!

Today was a Friday, it was currently 5:00pm you as a fashion stylist based in London. Tonight was a football award show that one of your clients was attending too, you'd always had quite a big name in London for fashion you was quite well known...even more well known when celebrities came to you.

The awards would be starting at 7:00pm, you would also be attending the awards with your client...mason mount...he'd been coming to you for around two years now. The two of you started of as really good friends, but at a recent party you and mason shared a drunk kiss which led into you waking up in his bed the next morning naked.

Since that night you hadn't actually seen mason face to face tonight would be the first time, and to say you was dreading it would be an understatement. He intimidated you he always had you've been doing your job for over 3 years now...and nobody intimidates you like he does.

You didn't know what it was about the certain football star, his soft accent that could so easily change, the fact that people saw him as some innocent little sweetheart when you've seen the other side to that, his brown intoxicating eyes that yours could get lost in, his fluffy brown hair, his infectious smile that he took everywhere with him, his cheeky mischievous signature smirk that you loved, or his little dimples that was so simply cute.

To you he was so gorgeous, but you had always kept it professional that night at that party you wasn't at work. You had something to drink surly you could avoid talking about it or you could avoid touching mason while his dressing you'd try not to correct all imperfections in his...suite...and oh god you'd be in trouble then he was so hot you couldn't resist and this wasn't going to make it better.

You pulled into masons driveway seeing his living room and kitchen light on, you watched as his front door opened revelling him dressed in a grey Nike tracksuit. Oh dear god you thought you was already flustered how was you going to avoid the conversation about the party how could you avoid him...

You got out of your car taking your bag and getting your bigger case out of your boot that carried masons suit and accessories in it, you locked your car and took a deep breathe and made your way to masons door. As you got closer your eyes locked with his you felt weak at the knees you didn't know what hold he had on you but you didn't mind the fact you'd fall to his feet at any moment.

He smiled at you, you could see his dimples showing threw his cheeks. He already looked irresistible you just wanted to carry on from the party you couldn't remember everything as you was drunk, but you for sure had a good night as you woke up and ached for a good three days which was a constant reminder when you watched him play football at home on your tv two days after it had happened.

"Y/n! Hey how are you?" He smiled his soft accent prominent, stepping aside letting you in.

"Hey mase, I'm good thanks! How are you?" You smiled back as he lead you into his kitchen.

"Good, I'm alright thank you, do you want a drink or anything?" He asked as he pulled out one of his higher bar stool chairs and sat on it in the centre of his kitchen.

You placed all your stuff down on the floor you watched his eyes trace your body, you still got heated despite you was only wearing a balenciaga black and red jumper with some black joggers to match with your black ugg boots. He loved this version of you he thought you was so simply gorgeous, and there was something about you he couldn't resist.

"Erm no there's nothing I need at the minute mase I don't think, thank you though." You smiled returning to fetching masons stuff out of your bag as his eyes watched you.

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