"We're very thankful for the opportunity." Kaldur said quickly, before anyone else could speak up.

"You shoulda heard him earlier," Robin chuckled. "bats had us up at five this morning rehearsing our answers!"

Kaldur shot him a look.

"Sounds like you got an early start." Lois replied, raising an eyebrow. "I can't say I'm surprised that batman had his hand in things."

"He wouldn't let us do anything without his instruction, especially in public."

Kaldur was starting to regret not sitting closer to Robin, as all he could do right now was glare.

"It sounds like your dynamic with the league is interesting."

"They take very good care of us." Kaldur said.

"Is that another prepared answer?"

"You bet it is." Artemis scoffed. "The league's fine. When they aren't being condescending and weird."

Kaldur elbowed her again.

Lois frowned, these prepared answers wouldn't sell anything-- even worse, it would be boring to write-- she needed something authentic. She needed to throw them of guard. "So how's school?"


"You're in school, right? How's that been?"

Kaldur's mind flew, trying to find the closest answer that was batman-approved. "Thank you?"

Wally laughed. "He's short circuiting!"

"School's fine." Robin said. "When we aren't getting put on lockdown because the rogues are using our greenway as a fight ring."

"Amen." Artemis replied.

"Our school is awesome! I'm on the--oophh" M'gann changed the subject. "I mean, I'm not very good at school, but people are nice."

"People are nice to you." Conner corrected.

"Are people not nice to you?" Lois asked.


Kaldur squeezed his shoulder. "Superboy, let's stay on topic."

"He is on topic." Lois replied. "I asked about school. Are you in school, Aqualad?"

"No, I don't think I could do that." He admitted.

Lois hummed, thinking up the most inflammatory thing she could. "What's your least favorite thing about the league?"

"We can't answer that question at this time." Kaldur said quickly.

"Why not?"

"We-- we can't."

"Hawkman stole my charger once." Artemis said. "I'm still mad about it."

There was a sudden flash, blinding the teens. 

"STOP!" Conner shouted, leaping to his feet. "Stop it!" He grabbed the young man by his collar.

"Superboy!" Kaldur grabbed his friend around the shoulders.

"Hey, could we turn off the flash?" Robin asked, blinking hard. "No pun intended. Some of us have photosensitivity."

"Jimmy." Lois prompted.

"Uh, yeah." The man croaked, finally released from the fists of steel. "There... there was glare from the window..."

"Fix it in post." She hissed. "Sorry about that." She told the teens, keeping a careful eye on Superboy as Kaldur talked him down.

"We're sorry too." Kaldur said, pulling Conner back down on the couch.

"That's a little embarrassing." Artemis said, changing the subject. "Like that time Kid Flash sent a meme in the league group chat."

The redhead laughed, covering his face. "In my defense, that's not the most embarrassing thing to happen in that chat."

"Yeah," Robin agreed before anyone could stop him. "Like when one of the Green Lanterns accidentally sent a rant complaining about his coworkers."

Kaldur shook his head, remembering how his phone had blown up for about twenty straight hours. "Carnage..."

Lois almost laughed. "What other stories do you have?"

"About Kid Flash?" Artemis asked. "I have many."

"Here's my impersonation of Artemis:" Wally interrupted, "Ooh, I'm Artemis! I took two edibles and now I don't know where I am!"

"That was one time!" She shouted. "And it was an accident!"

"Ooh! I'm Artemis! I accidentally took two edibles..."

"Break it up, please." Kaldur pulled the two teens off each other. "Ms. Lois, I hope I'm not misrepresenting you, but I feel you may be..."

"Asking inappropriate questions?" She guessed. "I get that a lot."

"She does." Jimmy agreed, crawling on the floor for a more flattering shot.

Conner fiddled with his shirt. "Is it true you know Superman's identity?

Lois, caught off guard, raised an eyebrow. "And I thought I was the one asking the questions." She shook her hair back. "No, I don't."

"But batman said you're close." He blinked flatly at her. "Isn't that what that means?"

"Not in this case." She replied. "Why don't you ask Superman these questions?"

The teens got quiet. "They, uh, they don't talk much." Robin said. "Back on topic, I have loads of embarrassing stories about the league if you want..."

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