Start from the beginning

"Your ears are sharp," I chuckled, wonderin' how the hell she heard that.

"Oh, Becky hears everything," she grinned. "Oh, I came to tell you Mia's girlfriend is here. She wants to talk to you," Becky informed me.

"Me?" I asked, my eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Yep, she said she won't leave until she does. She looked mad as fuck."

"Ryann, don't let the chicken overcook," I instructed before takin' off my apron.

"I gotchu," she said before I walked out of the kitchen. I spotted Leah sitting in a booth, so I made my way over and stood in front of her.

"I'm busy, so make it quick," I said, sliding my hands into my pockets. She looked up at me and stood up.

"Are you sleeping with Mia?" she questioned, catching me off guard.

"What?" I stammered.

"I said, are you fucking my fiancée?" she practically shouted, causing heads to turn.

"You came to my job, interrupting my shift to ask me this?" I retorted.

"Answer the question," she demanded, getting all up in my face.

"I don't have time for this," I chuckled.

"Liza told me she saw you two in her office." She stated and I nodded.

"Liza huh?" I smiled. I knew she was on some when I caught her ass behind the door.

"Are you fucking my fiancée?" She questioned again, getting in my face.

"You and I both know you're nothing to her anymore, so leave me the fuck alone, Leah," I said firmly before turning and walking away.

"I knew it, I didn't like you...now I know why. You're fucking my girlfriend. Fucking dyke ass bitch," she spat out. Her words stopped me in my tracks, and I turned to face her again. "Stay away from my girl."

She called me a dyke? A fucking dyke?

"Bitch, who the fuck you calling a dyke?" I asked, walking up to her with anger in my voice.

"Okay, Ash," Victor intervened, getting in between us. "Leah, I think you should leave," he said, pointing to the exit.

"Tell that dyke ass home wrecker to stay away from mine," she said before storming off.

"And I thought I was delusional," I laughed, cause if I don't, I might just blow this place up.

2:34 pm

Tess's POV

I was in the middle of preparing some food for Yanelie, who had woken up about an hour ago. She was still silent and wouldn't even look at me, just lying there. As I was plating her food, I heard the doorbell ring, and I went to open it to Yasmine.

"Sup, Little one," I replied, closing the door. "Aren't you supposed to be in school or something?"

"Yanelie called me, she was crying. Yanelie don't cry," Yasmine explained, sounding concerned. "Why was my sister crying, Tess?"


"—Is she in the guest room?" Yasmine interrupted, cutting me off.

"Yeah," I confirmed, and she headed straight into the guest room. I let out a sigh and returned to the kitchen to grab Yanelie's plate. I knocked on the door, and Yasmine opened it.

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