Ch. 192 I want you just the way you are.

Depuis le début

Tavish moves ahead, YN doesn't ask him anything.

Conference Room.

Everyone stands up as soon as Tavish and YN enter

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Everyone stands up as soon as Tavish and YN enter.
Tavish signals everyone to sit with his eyes.
Jaksh was also there.

Tavish makes YN sit on the chair. And he also sits down.

Just then the door of the conference room opens and Jay comes inside.

Tavish looking at everyone : We are here to talk about TN weapons.

Hearing Tavish's words, YN and Jaksh look at each other with confusion.

Jay looking at everyone : Someone has tried to sell TN weapons illegally

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Jay looking at everyone : Someone has tried to sell TN weapons illegally. Every person present in this conference room is connected to TN Weapons.
So whoever has done this is present in this room.

Everyone looks at each other after hearing Jay's words.

Tavish leaning on his chair : There is no use in looking at each other

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Tavish leaning on his chair : There is no use in looking at each other. 855 is my subsidiary. Of them, 440 are illegal and the rest are legal. TN is one of those legals. There was no problem in making the TN illegal but...

Saying this, Tavish stops.

Everyone starts looking at Tavish carefully, Tavish straightens up and places both his elbows on the table and starts looking at everyone with his hands intertwined.

" A Mysterious Mafia And His Wife "21+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant