Chapter 27

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"It's fine I won't peak I promise" 

"Ha ha" I say sarcastically stripping myself of my clothes then stepping into the shower singing along to every song that comes up on the playlist diere put on. When I step out a hang a towel along my waist then standing to the side of diere brushing my teeth as she slathers some shit from a fancy bottle all over her face. When I catch her looking over at me.

"Are you checking me out right now" I ask. My toothbrush hanging from my mouth. She quickly looks away when she realizes that I caught her.

"Of course not don't be stupid" she rolls her eyes moving to the side where I can't see her to change into her clothes. I do the same pulling on some boxers and a pair of shorts.

"Yes you were" she totally was. "You don't have to lie you can at me look as much as you want."

"Your so annoying"

"You love me"

"'You love me more"

"I do"

she pulls out the face mask she got us from the store. I groan annoyed that she's making us do this and she just smiles.

"I take it back"

"Come here." She says and I bend towards her so she can reach my face and she places the pink sheet mask on my face smoothing it down with her hands. It feels kinda nice but I don't tell her that.

"Okay now I get to do yours" I say grabbing the other mask opening it up I put in on her face but it dosent look as good as mine.

"That's the hole for the nose not the eye" she says laughing grabbing my hands then guiding them the right way.

"Yeah that looks better"

"You look so cute" she says in a demeaning voice like how you would to a puppy or a baby as she pulls out her phone.

"Nooo wayyy" I run away before she can take a picture but she runs after me tackling me on the floor so she can take a picture. Accidentally straddling me with her legs. I grab her thighs pulling her off of me. She turns her phone toward me showing me the picture.

"I'm making this my wallpaper."

"Then it's only fair I get one of you" I say catching her off guard quickly taking a picture of her. But hers still turns out good. What did I expect she's like model gorgeous . I go to settings and place it has my wallpaper.

"Wow we're really gross."She says referring to our corny matching lock screens.

"Yeah who would've thought that under your antisocial ice queen exterior was a cheesy loser" she throws a pillow at me flipping me off as she lays down on her bed.

"Your one to talk mr.frat party boy turned lover boy." She says as I lay down next to her. She turns toward me lifting her head from her pillow to my chest.

"What happened to the couch." She ask looking up at me.

"I'll wake up early and go downstairs before anyone wakes up" I respond placing my hand on her head twirling a pice of hair with my finger.

"Your the first guy I've ever had a sleep over with. Your a lot of my first you know" she says pulling the blanket over us and snuggling up next to me.


"Yeah my first kiss, boyfriend, first time, first love" I wish I could same the same for her but that would be a lie. Although she may not be you first she'll always be my favorite.

"I feel honored to be your first"

"Do you think we'll be together forever" she says out of know where. A random person who doesn't know Diere would think this is strange but if you knew her like I do you would know that when she's tired she talks a lot saying whatever comes to her mind.

"I think I'll love you forever" I explain. As much as I hope we stay together I'll never know whats gonna happen in the future so I can't promise her that we'll stay together forever but I do know that I'll never stop loving her no matter what happens what stages of life where in or what the future holds.

"I hope so" she says yawning then drifting off to sleep using me as a pillow. But I don't mind listening to her soft snores eventually put me to sleep. The next morning I wake up before her putting on a shirt and sneak downstairs. But to my surprise Athena's already up and she's noticed me before I even know what to do.

"August sit down" she says her voice causing a shiver in my spine. I listen to what she says reluctantly sitting across from her.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask trying to change the subject. Athena looks at me with tired eyes and her hands shaking from the gallon of coffee she's holding in her hand. It was a stupid question to say the least but it was the first thing I could think of.

"No not with you two stressing me out. Why are you teenagers so stubborn" she groans taking a large gulp of her coffee. Diere wasn't kidding when she said she said she had an addiction.

"I swear we didn't do anything I just fell asleep by accident." She laughs shaking her head.

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm more worried about how you two can't be away from eachother for more than 24 hours." That's not true when we weren't dating we spent loads of time apart.

" that's not completely true "

"Your in love with her right?"

"100%" I say with no hesitation because there's nothing to hesitate about.

"So you'll do whatever it takes for her to lead a successful and happy life even if she won't be happy in the moment" although she's not stating it clearly I know what she means but I would never get in the way of dieres future knowing how hard she works to get where she is.

"I know how hard she works and I would never want to get in the way of that. Ever" I say and Athena seems to be pleased with my answer her shoulders relaxing and the wrinkle in her forehead slowly becoming less tense.

"That's all I need to hear." She says walking into her room. "And august don't let her dad catch you two or he will kill you" I gulp loudly nodding in agreement giving her a thumbs up.

"Goodmoring" diere says giving me a peck on the lips. I didn't even realize that she came downstairs .

"Good morning" I respond but not before she starts pacing around the kitchen preparing what I'm hoping is breakfast. I'm starving. "Do you need any help?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. Remember what happened the last time you were "helping me cook"" she says using her hands for quotation marks and then pointing to her neck where there's a faded mark. I quickly realize what she's talking about and raise my hands in the air in defeat.

"I promise I'll keep my hands to myself. Let me help you please." I say holding my hands together pleadingly. She groans dramatically throwing me a loaf of thick bread.

"Fine take out 10 slices of bread and cut off the crust for half of them." This seems easy enough. I do what she says cutting up half of the crust off the loaves of bread as diere whips up some concoction in a bowl. Once she's done she puts a pan on the stove waving me over to her. I walk over too her handing her the bread.

"Then you dip the bread in here." She says grabbing my hands and dipping the bread in the wet mixture than putting it on the stove.

"Wow I really can't do anything" diere seems to hear the self pity in my joke. Her eyebrows furrow and she pouts out her bottom lip. It's adorable.

"You're good at tons of things" she says her voice laced with sympathy and guilt.

"I barely know how to take care of myself because I'm so used to my mom doing everything for me. How pathetic is that." I laugh awkwardly. I don't know why I'm saying all this. I think it's because I see how independent diere is and it makes me strive to be that aswell. I want to be the one who takes care of her even though I know she dosent need me too.

"I wish you wouldn't talk about yourself that way."

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