14~Broken friendship

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"Yes, he came to visit your dad, I wish you guys met it's been years since you both separated, he left for London for studies and when he returned you also left for America, you both need to catch up to the old good times when you have time."

"Hmm, I doubt if he came to see Dad without an ulterior motive," Faruk muttered lost in thought.

"No, I'm sure it's just work-related."

"You sure? Coz I doubt Mom."

"These days you seem to doubt everyone, I hope everything is fine?"

"Yes Mom, it's just my instincts that don't trust them."

"Well, since Najib's recovery from the accident that almost took his life, he has been too dedicated to work and I heard he is still searching for his ex-wife, whom they say he is madly in love with...

"Love?" Faruk mumbled.

"Yes, you were away when he got married and the marriage ended with no news of his wife's whereabouts to date, everyone knows is still in search of her and he has dedicated a lot of work projects to her."

Faruk mind soon trails off his mom's talks, if what his mom was saying is true just as the article he read on Google, then it doesn't make any sense.

If Hanan was truly His Love then why did he try to kill her and their child? Is he pretending to love her now or what? He thought with a heavy sigh.

"He's pretending." He mutters out.

"What? Are you even listening to me?" His mom taps him as she realizes she has been the only one doing the talking.

"Huh? Sorry Mom I zoned out, what did you say?"

"Forget it, Have you eaten dinner?"

"Yes, I had noodles."

"Just noodles?"

"Yes with boiled egg."

"Just that? That's not food, let me cook you a proper dinner."

"Mom, don't stress, I would grab something before I go to bed."

"No, if I can cook for the public then why can't I cook for my son? I will cook you dinner."

"Mom, really it's fine, It's already 8:30, by the time you finish cooking it will be too late for me to go home."

"Then you sleep over, I don't own four rooms for nothing, and that's final!"

"Fine Mom, you win." He laughed.


With a mug of coffee locked in Hanan's hands, she lounged on her bed recollecting what had transpired a few hours back.

The day she patiently waited for had come to pass, her revenge had commenced but did that give her ease?


It didn't, it only made everything seem fresh again, like it was just yesterday she went through all the unfortunate incidents that happened, something didn't feel right but she couldn't pinpoint what it was.

His gaze on her seemed different and it was not just his gaze but everything about him felt new.

The calmness his voice had when he mentioned her name, his gaze was too soft, and his face displayed so many emotions...

"Gosh! The voice in my head please shut up!" She scowled shutting her ears closed.

"He is still the monster he was years ago, nothing changed, get yourself together you can't get distracted by anything." She muttered, gulping the whole quantity of coffee left in her mug, she picked up her phone to get her thoughts distracted when the doorbell rang.

HIS LOVE  *A Sequel to HER WORTH*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora