ch.3 | not the first time

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Jisung shut his eyes. There's nothing he wants to hear from his boyfriend.

"Felix was not feeling well. He wanted me to accompany him. That's all." Hyunjin tried to explain. He is feeling guilty for leaving Jisung to be with Felix.

Hyunjin sighed as he did not receive a response from the small main rapper.

"Minho, Seungmin, and Jeongin were in the middle of a photo shoot. There was no one to accompany him. He asked me and then.."

"Then you forgot our date.."Jisung muttered, making his boyfriend's eyes widen.

"Fuck! Sorry baby, I forgot we.."

"I'm used to it, so don't worry.."Jisung interrupted his boyfriend's sentences.

"Baby.."Hyunjin took a place next to his small boyfriend and hugged him. He heard Jisung's sigh.

"Maybe we should..."

"No, never!" Hyunjin stated as if he knew what his boyfriend wanted to say. Hyunjin kissed his boyfriend's hair.

"I'm not poly, Hyunie, so please don't forget about that."

Jisung's short order stabbed Hyunjin in the heart. Jisung made it clear before they officially dated that he was not interested in poly relationships, but he was okay with his friend being in a similar relationship.

"I won't forget about it, baby."



stay alive | han jisung centric [✓]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz