ch.9 | chan-hyung, let's talk

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Since Jisung met Jyp-hyung, Chan could sense something was off.  He noticed that his first child's bright smiles were starting to fade as well. 

The change becomes even more noticeable when 'Stay' are aware of it.  Jisung is the life of the party, so if all that is lost, Stray Kids will feel gloomy.

The studio door suddenly opened, causing him to flinch. The person you had in your mind is now present in your sight.

"Chan-hyung, let's talk."

Jisung uttered the words without allowing the older person to greet him.

"Oh, okay."

"I will leave Stray Kids."

Chan's eyes were widening when he heard that confession. His life feels dark when he thinks about Jisung's absence from his group. 

Jisung was the first person he chose to join Stray Kids, but he was also the first person to leave them?

"Is this caused by Hyunjin?"

"Not really."

"But Jisung.."

"So, I will not renew my contract with JYPE." The small main rapper didn't give his leader an opportunity to speak.

"I would appreciate it if you could organize a meeting for all of our members. I want them to learn about this from me, not from other people."


stay alive | han jisung centric [✓]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें