15. Insta-Stalking

Start from the beginning

As i pulled in, i saw Jackson's truck already in the parking lot. I was 10 minutes early so i was confused why he would be here so early, but then i remembered he works 4 days a week. 

I saw him in the kitchen through the large windows facing the parking lot. I walked in and sat at an empty booth facing away from the parking lot so there was no way Kayla or one of her minions could see me. 

I had to revise my plan since i forgot he was working so i pulled out a pen and wrote "meet me in the bathroom. Can't be seen talking to you" on a napkin and left it on the table where it could be seen by Jackson when he came to take my order. 

I waited about 5 minutes before an older looking woman came to my table. "What can i get for you?" she asked with feigned enthusiasm. Shit. "umm would you mind if that young man over there was my waiter?" i asked as nicely as i could. She looked at me with a bored expression and sauntered over to the kitchen. I watched as she went up to Jackson and pointed at my table. He gave a slight nod, and walked over to my table. 

"What can i get you?" he said in his hospitality voice. I made my usual order but pointed at the napkin so he would see it. He read it and nodded. After he walked away to tun in my order i walked to the bathroom and waited. 

He walked in shortly after and waited for me to say something. "I'm sorry. For everything. I just need to have someone on my side" i said only beginning my long and complicated story of all the shit that has been happening. "On you side for what?" he questioned. 

"So you know how i just randomly started dating Kayla again?" i paused and he rolled his eyes. "Well i don't actually like her or want to be with her. Shes blackmailing me to be with her. And she was sending these horrible messages to hazel and she promised if i got back with her, she would stop the messages and keep my secret. And to top it all off, shes been stalking me and hazel so that's why we're in here and not somewhere with windows." i finished, catching my breath. 

"Wait, wait, wait. So let me get this straight. You started dating Crazy Kayla to stop her from sending mean messages to Hazel and to keep a secret?" Jackson said, trying to wrap his head around the situation. "Not just a secret....MY secret. About my dad?" i said, embarrassed. 

Jackson yes got big and i knew that he understood. "How did she find out?" he asked, looking just as confused as i was when i first found out. "I have no idea. But she sent me this" i said, showing him the picture from the night of the accident. 

"And there's more where that came from" i added, showing him all the others including the one from tonight. "Damn shes insane. Why didn't you tell us this before?" he asked sternly. "Because she said she would tell my secret and keep sending Hazel the messages. That's where the blackmail part comes in. i think i convinced her to stop stalking me but just to be sure i had to make sure we weren't seen." i said sighing. 

"I'm so sorry Mason. We have been such jerks. I had no idea." Jackson said sadly. "Its okay i would hate me too. But we have to act like nothing has changed. And you have to promise not to tell Hazel. If she finds out then this will only get worse for both of us." "you got it. If you need anything, just talk to me okay?" he said sympathetically. "I will." i said as i walked out of the bathroom. 

I sat down to eat the food that had been set at my table while i was gone and he came out shortly after.

When i got home after leaving the diner, Hunters truck was still in the driveway. The house smelled like dinner had already been eaten and the family was in the living room watching some rom-com. Hazel was curled up in Hunters lap asleep. 

Oh how i missed when she used to fall asleep next to me. Or even be in the same vicinity as me. I just missed her. But i know i couldn't risk telling her. So i just walked past the living room to my room and got in bed even though it was only 8:30.

I didn't know what else to do so i scrolled through Instagram and found that Kayla had posted more pictures of us together. I really hated when she did that but it came with the relationship. I swiped to look at her profile and i could see all the over-exaggerated photos of her. 

But after scrolling through for a while i could see that one name in particular had liked or commented on nearly every post. An account with the name HunterTheMan21. I clicked on it to see Hunter in his football uniform fill the page. 

The most recent post was one of him and Hazel sharing an ice cream sundae at the park where we kissed in the rain. i guess it really didn't matter to her anymore if she went there again with another guy. but as i looked through the posts, there were various people he took pictures with, but in almost all of them, there was a picture of him and Kayla, or him and a few of the cheerleaders with Kayla in the mix. she had also liked and commented on the majority of them as well. and on the most recent post she commented:

Queenkayla143:): omg such a cute couple <3 so happy for y'all

This just keeps getting weirder. 

Number 1, why would Hunter and Kayla be so active on the others social media? and number 2, why is she saying shes happy for Hazel after she sent a message saying no one would ever love her? Maybe this is all just in my head. 

i decided to screenshot a few of both of their posts and send them to Jackson to see if he could see any reason why this could be happening or if it is all in my head. I turned my phone off and rolled over to try and get some sleep. 

I really didn't want to go to school tomorrow.  

I woke up to the sounds of footsteps in the hallway. i checked my phone to see that the time was 12:47 am. i walked to the door and opened it to see Hunter carrying a sleeping Hazel into her room. 

"you need any help?" i asked quietly. "nah, shes not very heavy. i was just going to put her in bed and then head home. thanks though" he said just as quiet. 

I walked across the hall to open her door and then went back to my room. right as i was about to close my door, Hunter put his hand in the way. 

"just so you know, if you try anything with her, Kayla wont hesitate to make her life hell. and since you're currently out of the picture, that leaves me to be the hero. she wont believe a word you say about me." he whispered with a evil smirk on his face. 

He started walking down the stairs to leave "oh" he started to say as he was at the top of the stairs, "and don't think i don't know about your abusive father too" and with that, he left. 

once i heard his truck leave the driveway, i called Jackson. he picked up on the last ring. "dude, i know i said you could talk to me anytime but its almost 1 in the morning" he said groggily. 

"Yea yea i know but did you see my text from earlier?" i quickly said into the phone. "yes it was just screenshots of Kayla's Instagram." he said with a yawn. "no, it wasn't just that. it was Hazels new boyfriend Hunter's posts too. at first i thought it was all in my head, but now i know that those two are planning something." i said, starting to get angry. 

"And what would that be Mr. Detective?" Jackson asked sarcastically. 

"Just you wait" i said before explaining everything i heard tonight. 

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