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☆ 116. Chapter 116

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116 Jiang Yu didn't expect that not long after he came back, he was going out again.

However, if the matter of currency exchange is not handled well, it is estimated that there will be chaos directly, and it is not a long-term solution to directly suppress it by force.

After a long time of using force, Jiujing will not use people from other tribes to make trouble, and it will fall apart from the inside.

The tribe is also Jiang Yu watching it grow into this little by little, so it is reluctant to be destroyed because of this little thing, so try to do something if you can, after everything is on the right track, these people also learn to think and solve problems on their own, there is no need for him, he can also go to complete the task and go back.

This time, Jiang Yu thought of going back, and he was reluctant to go back, but this was not a long-term place for him to stay, and he would have to leave sooner or later.

It wasn't a big deal to go out this time, and I didn't bring many people with me, so I gathered ten people to pull on the small wooden cart, and followed Xuan to find the bones of the Xianglong Beast.

The people in the tribe will not be Xi at first, thinking that why their own priests and patriarchs are so unkind to the tribe, and they will leave the tribe in three days and two ends, whether they don't want the idea of the tribe.

After waiting for a few more times, they knew and Xi that the patriarch and priest went out for a reason, and every time they went out and came back, the things they brought back would make the tribe a little better. Although the patriarch and priest are not in the tribe, the tribe will not let people bully them casually!

On the way to the destination, Jiang Yu looked at Xuan who was walking in front and asked, "Anyway, how did you find out, well, the bones of the Xianglong Beast." "

When I was young, I liked to run around, and once I quietly followed the hunting party out and couldn't find them, so I walked my way back. Xuan said slowly, as if telling a story about a protagonist who was not him: "Because it was the first time I came out so far, and the surroundings were very unfamiliar, I walked around blindly, and when I was tired of walking, I climbed the tree to rest."

Xuan said it easily, but Jiang Yu felt that it must not have been so simple at that time, the deep forests of the primitive world were the most dangerous, and the dangers on land could be avoided, but animals like snakes were not easy to dodge.

Hyun continued, "Then I came to a valley where there were all herbivorous beasts, and I wanted to catch one to eat. As soon as I moved, I saw the fragrant dragon beasts, they were all very large, and I thought I was going to die. I closed my eyes and waited for a long time, and when I opened my eyes, I realized that they only eat grass and have a relatively gentle temperament, but if you provoke them, they will also be trampled to death. Soon after I left, I was found, and I went back to the tribe with me.

Jiang Yu nodded: "It's been a long time since this happened, and you can still remember the way to go?"

Xuan hooked his lips and bowed his head: "I can still remember something, even if the Xianglong beasts have left that valley now, the bones left by their natural death are still there, and the main purpose of our visit is to take the bones left behind." "

Yes, too.

Jiang Yu and Xuan were chatting in front, and the people behind were also very interested in controlling their speed and did not come forward to disturb them.

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