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☆ 67. Chapter 67

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67 Although there is Hao, the patriarch who has not appeared for many years, but his reputation is still very high, came forward to talk about it, but not many people in the fisherman tribe believe it.

They feel that they have lived here for so long without a single problem, so why must something happen now?

Besides, they also have feelings for living here, and they are reluctant to leave like this, obviously they don't see any danger.

However, there are still some people who think about the words of the patriarch, and in the minds of these people, as long as the patriarch and the clansmen are there, the fisherman tribe can be re-established wherever it is, and it will be the same everywhere.

"What a catastrophe the patriarch spoke of. A man who didn't want to leave here shouted.

With the first person at the beginning, everything that happened later became logical, and the people present asked a few questions.

"Patriarch, where have you been away for so long?

"Patriarch, when will the calamity you speak of coming?

"Where can we go when we get out of here. There

are a lot of questions, but unfortunately Hao won't answer them all, he knows that there are many people who are reluctant to leave here, and they feel that what they are saying is big, and they don't feel the slightest wrong.

If he hadn't seen it with Jiang Yu, Hao might have felt that Jiang Yu was joking like these people, but he had already seen it with his own eyes.

Hao: "Clansmen, I know that some of you are reluctant to leave the place where you have lived for a long time, but haven't you noticed that the place where we live is getting hotter and hotter day by day?"

"Didn't you notice that the fruit that we could still find and grow before was suddenly gone, and we could no longer find it, and we had less food?

Hao's words quieted down everyone present, they didn't know it, they just thought that they had picked too much, and the fruits and wild vegetables were not growing.

Just as they keep catching an animal to eat, if they eat too much, they will become less and less, and in the end they will not be able to catch it again, and they will think that these disappearing wild vegetables are because they have eaten too much.

As for the temperature getting hotter and hotter, they also felt it, but they didn't think about it in any way at all.

Hao saw that his people did not speak and continued: "As long as there are many of our clansmen, there are many fishermen and tribes there, and there are no ones who can live.

Jiang Yu didn't say anything and listened quietly in the back, the fisherman tribe has lived here for a long time, and has little contact with the outside world, what will happen if he goes to the mainland, he can't pack a ticket.

But the only thing that is certain is that they will definitely be beaten up in the first place.

When the people of the fishermen tribe saw the patriarch say this, many of them were shaken.

Yes, as long as the patriarch and the witch are still there, they can develop wherever they go, after all, they are all fisherman tribes.

Some of the old people kept their heads down and did not speak, they saw more thoroughly than the young people, and although the patriarch said that he could take the people away, it was a pity that he could not bring them with him, who were old, weak, sick and disabled, and had no offensive power.

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