"Is his health condition bad?"

The doctor nodded sorrowfully; "well, to be honest with you, his health seems already in a serious condition."

Taking a shaky breath, Khalid pushed open the door. The sterile air hit him like a physical blow, carrying the metallic tang of disinfectant and the faint whisper of antiseptic. Muhsen lay on the bed, a tangle of tubes and wires snaking across his chest, his face pale against the stark white sheets. His eyes were closed, his breathing shallow and labored.

Khalid sank onto the chair beside him.

"Uncle?" he whispered, his voice barely audible above the mechanical symphony. "Uncle, it's me, Khalid."

Muhsen's eyelids fluttered open, a flicker of recognition lighting up his gaze. He managed a weak smile, his lips cracked and dry. "Khalid," he rasped, his voice a mere whisper. "You came."

"I'm here, Uncle," he whispered back, then added; "Grandpa and dad are in their way too."

Muhsen nodded and closed his eyes. "Fajr! Have you told her?"

"Not yet, but she has to know. She is much stronger than you think."

Muhsen shook his head, and after a two-beat pause said, "No. Just till I feel a little better. She can't see me like this."

Khalid sat with him until his father and grandpa came along with Fahd. Fahd told him that he could go home for he was spending the night beside his uncle.

When Khalid reached home, he headed to the living room. He was greeted with a quiet stillness, punctuated only by the rhythmic rise and fall of Fajr's chest who was sleeping on the couch. He approached cautiously, his shoes scraping against the hardwood floor. He sat down, removed his shemagh and rubbed his temples.

Fajr stirred slightly. Her eyes fluttered open, blinking in confusion before focusing on him.

"why are you sleeping here?" He asked her as she straightened up.

Fajr stretched her arms lazily then closing her hands around her neck; "I was waiting for you."

"But I told you not to wait."

She looked at the clock, it was almost midnight. "I got worried and couldn't sleep. Where have you been?"

"I got tied up with some matters."

"What matters made you come home this late?" Fajr questioned with annoyance.

Khalid pressed his fingers into his forehead and rubbed his temples to relax himself so he could decode his scrambled mind "Wallahi I have no energy to quarrel with you right now, Fajri. I have a headache and want to sleep right now."

She focused on his facial features. He looked extremely tired. She placed her hand over his shoulder; "you smell like hospital!"

Khalid stared at her face for a few moments, then sighed; "because I was in a hospital... visited a relative." he added.

"How's he?" she asked with concern after he'd finished his statement.

"F...Fine. I hope." he stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Fajr put her hand at the back of his head; "Do you want a Panadol?"

"no need, let's go to sleep."

Anyway, Khalid couldn't sleep. He knew that he shouldn't hide this from Fajr especially if Muhsen would start the cancer treatment. This topic prevented him from sleeping. He lifted his head form his pillow and leaned against the headboard, his head rested on his forearm. His gaze dropped to Fajr's sleeping face. She was fast asleep in her featherlike gown, her hand tucked under her cheek. Some of her hair strands were scattered along her face, and her breathing was low.

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