She nodded with a smile and thanks, making her way behind the smoke-scented Ares cabin and walking towards the marina. She danced carefully over the barbed wire which circled the cabin, knowing it's placement off by heart. 

The lake was clear, as seemed the beach. The wind flapped the loose linen of her shirt, way too clean to be anything but new in Camp Half-Blood. 

A few minutes went by and she got bored, beginning to pick up smoothed pebbles, skimming them across the surface of the lake. Without flinching, Ciarda cocked her head when a particularly flat one came flying past her, hitting the surface eight times before sinking into the darkness. 

"You'll beat me one day, but for now, you remain the student," Chrion's gruff voice caused Ciarda's lips to move upwards. She didn't turn, but instead picked another stone and tossed it out. The stone skimmed the lake, landing on its seventh before disappearing into the water. 

A tumble of rough laughter sounded from behind her. 

"Percy, this is Ciarda La Rue, the girl who helped you fight the Minotaur," Chiron spoke, his hooves crunching on the stone beach. 

Ciarda's head spun, her eyes sizing up the boy from the previous night. It wasn't dark or thick with rain, and Ciarda could say he looked positively different. 

Piercing blue eyes, blonde fluffy hair, rouge cheeks and an expression of passionate confusion. "Hello," He mumbled, Ciarda saying nothing back. Chiron laughed, picking up another stone and throwing it with precision. 

"Ciarda is one of our most talented younger students, skilled in the art of every weapon and has a knack for stealing." 

Chiron tapped the bridge of his nose with a soft smile. He had practically raised the Ares cabin, all of the demigods making their way to the Camp before age three. 

It seemed that Ares had a type for women who preferred to send their children off permanently to Camp Half-Blood, rather than raising them in the normal world. 

And Chiron had taken a special liking to the passionate and fiery youngest. 

"Now, Ciarda, what did I say about bandages?" Chiron raised his eyebrow. Ciarda shrugged, picking up another stone and tossing it. "I wanted to see what had happened," She explained. 

Percy stared at her, horrified, the only thing he could focus on was the girl's toned stomach full of jagged white scars. She was barely his age and coated in scar tissue.

Chiron pulled Percy forward, blocking Ciarda from throwing more stones into the lake. "You do know I will pelt you with stones," Ciarda stared disapprovingly at Chiron. She barely acknowledged Percy.

"What is wrong with this place?" He huffed, his blue eyes scanning the beach, Chiron and then Ciarda before walking off. 

Knocking into her shoulder, Percy made it three paces before the tree right next to his head had a pen knife gouging a few inches inside of it. 

He paused with wide eyes and turned, Chiron looking warningly at Ciarda. "Give that back to your buddy Grover, at least he did his job this time," She seethed to Percy, pouncing over and walking away into the treeline. 

Percy watched her defined arms, the long jutting scars which surfaced on her skin practically everywhere. She looked like how he imagined a warrior to be. Pausing, her bright eyes glared at Percy. 

She led herself off back to the Ares cabin, refusing to talk to anyone about what happened. Chiron looked down, knowing it would take a lot for the girl to open up. She never spoke about what happened the first time. 

"Training," Chiron answered his thoughts as if Percy had voiced them aloud. "Ciarda has been training since she was very young. Here, in Camp Half-Blood. Where you will be able to throw a knife with nearly as much accuracy, time come." 

Percy shook his head, the damp mossy soaking into his shoes. His tongue was swollen and his body felt warm. He took another swig of a 'nectar' as the nurse had called it. The nurse being a 16-year-old child. She'd given him a small bottle to finish which would help his injuries.

"What's wrong with her?" He let his thoughts flow. Chiron let out a husky chuckle. 

"She is a particular type of person. It takes a long time for her to warm to you. Don't expect a friendship with her to be easy. Ciarda has been let down by many, and each has, in turn, given her another wall to put up. The only people she trusts are those willing to go to the Underworld and back to even be considered her friend."

"Well that's not going to be me," Percy rolled his eyes, using all of his strength to pull Grover's penknife from out of the tree. The clacking that followed Chiron's footfalls dulled when they delved further into the forest. Whispers seemed to echo through the trees. 

"She has a very valuable skillset. She is valuable. I would choose your friendships wisely," The centaur hinted while scratching his head and beard.

"Who are her parents?" Percy picked at the wet bark on a tree, stopping to face Chiron. The centaur chuckled. 

"You, Percy, have just met the youngest of Ares' children. The God of War."

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