Was it a god idea? 12

267 15 5

Aizawa POV

After a long search, I gave it up. I'm sad that I didn't find him. I'm, but also glad that he wasn't on a roof. I went to U.A. I know who I can find the child, I have to close a pact with the devil. I mean Nezu. I open the door to his office and have the facial expression as if I were going to my executioner and stay away from the office table as if it were burning.

Nezu: Why are you coming to my office so early? As I remember, you don't have a class anymore.

Oh. He's still angry because I threw the students away. Bed for me. I don't know if I'll survive the next day.

Me: I would like to ask you a favour.

Nezu: And what do I get for it?

Me: What would you like for it?

Nezu: Depends on what you ask me for.

Me: To find a certain child.

Nezu: Hmm. For this, you can take care of Vlad King's class.

Me: That's fine.

Nezu: For a week. He's going on vacation

Me: What?

Nezu: And if I don't regret it and no student has to go to Recovery Girl seriously injured. I'll see how you taught at the end of the week and if I hear anything about sleeping or half-dead students, I won't give you the information.

Me: I need the information quickly.

Nezu: It's not my fault that your students have learned to fly.

Me: We can sort that out another time. In a week, I might already be able to find his advertisement for his death.

Nezu: Hahahahahaha. People don't die so quickly. You have no excuse.

Me: He lounges on roofs, was full of blood, looks like he's coming out of the war and wears a spider lily in his hair. I have a reason to worry.

Nezu: We'll talk about what you owne me later.

His face got serious, so he wants to help me now.

Nezu: What is his name?

Me: This is not known. He went to the Aldrea school before he was expelled. The information about him is not known, it is as if his entire existence in the school's network had disappeared.

Nezu looked on the computer and typed something.

Nezu: Hmm, interesting. I see what you mean, all the pictures from the net of the students are cut to size. I can't make them back.

Me: Sigh.

Nezu: Do you have any more details?

Me: He has a very high IQ. He can read Morse code and saw with a single glance how many kilometres I and Mic run per hour and how much we need to catch up with a villain. After that, he told us the hiding place of the villain. He is 7-8 is.

Nezu: Interesting. What do you mean by full blood?

Me: He was full of blood when we first met him in a deserted area.

Nezu: We?

Me: Mic and I.

Nezu: Why didn't you stop him?

Me: We met him in a deserted area when we followed an assassin. Me and Mic didn't realise it. We have been running for a few hours. And were tired.

Nezu: When did you realise it?

Me: Mic was full of blood because he had hugged the boy.

Nezu: You couldn't find identity with the help of the blood.

Me: The machine. Exploded by.

Nezu: Interesting and suspicious. Mhhhh. What does he look like?

Me: Green fluffy hair, really polite child, emerald green eyes and has freckles on his cheek which honestly are cute. He doesn't look like he came out of a hole like many other boys at his age.

Nezu's face became more and more astonished. He knew something I didn't know.

Nezu: What is his quirk.

Me: Quirkless. That's why I think the blood comes from an attempt because he mentioned that he was on a roof.

Nezu: Maybe he called himself Deku.

I was amazed. I knew he knew almost everything, but that. How was that possible?

Nezu: Hahahahaha. I can see from your face that it's true. He is 10 years old.

Me: Where from where?

Nezu: I met him in a library. His IQ impressed me. And I think you are right. That he has a dead wish.

Me: Can you find him?

Nezu: I'll try it.

In which class did he go?

Me: Hmm. Tsukauchi sent me a photo of him I think in a corner it is written 4-b.

Nezu: Oh, I can see a photo of it?

I put the screen from the cell phone in front of him.

Nezu: Thank you. I could try to find the names of the students using the name of the class and the name of a student to check me into their class chat and see if they have his number.

Me: He has no friends I don't think he's in the chat.

Nezu: People who are quirkless will certainly be bullied and that in every existing school. Cyber bullying is also part of it.

Me: How long do you think you will need for this.

Nezu: A few minutes.

Nezu taps his keyboard like crazy.

Nezu: Aha. I was correct, they bully him, not only they hurt him, too. And suicide batting. I have his number. I will hack into his cell phone so I will probably find out his identity.

He starts typing again.

A loud hissing comes from computers that spreads to all electronic devices.

Me: What happens?

Nezu: The boy blocked the hacker attack and used a virus that spreads at rapid speed to all bystanding devices. I may manage to stop its multiplication. But it will take much longer to destroy the virus if I can destroy it. Maybe I'll manage to remove it. But it will take me a long time.

I'm shocked the little child has a virus in the U.A. Network provided.

Me: What are the after-effects of the virus.

Nezu: The hissing noise and problems with the use of technical devices. The problems can become so severe that the electrical devices are completely broken.

A camera next to us started smoking. And Nezu switched her off so that it wouldn't catch fire.

Nezu: I will still try and postpone your patrol in the school area. Could you perhaps check if Power Louder and his class are okay. I don't wanna know how much exploded. I would check myself, but. I need to stop the virus.

I open the door and close it behind me happy to have come out alive. I hear the laughter of the RatSatan and tremble slightly.

Nezu: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I have accepted your challenge boy.

The boy is in danger. Was ist a god idea

Don't underestimate me (suicidal Deku)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon