Red flags 32

103 11 3

Hizashi POV

Me: Then why do you order a coffee.

The child aroused my curiosity.

Boy: I'll forget it


Me: If I were you, I would literally run away and leave the coffee.

Boy: But that is rude.

Sho: Rude?

Boy: Yes.

Sho: Singh.

Boy: So I came to the decision to drink it.

Me: WHAT!?!

The boy extends his hand to the coffee, but Sho takes the coffee from the boy's range.

Sho: I Are you crazy, you'll die.

Boy: Yes, you're right, it would be very rude to leave organs and blood here.

Sho claps his hand against his face and singhs loudly. I think he said something like driving problematic children crazy.

My mouth is wide open and I am in shock. His life does not interest him at all or is he simply far too polite that his life does not have such a high priority.

Me: In Interest ...y... your not at all?

The boy pulls his cell phone out of his pocket, taps it a bit and shows us a number.

Me: What is the Little listener?

He awakened against my curiosity

Boy: 8,147,701,969 is the number of people who exist on our planet and I don't count those with whose existence you don't know exactly. While I was speaking, the number became smaller but at the same time larger. Every second in which we sit here, a person dies and you both can't do anything against it.

I know that but his tone and the way he says that makes me feel helpless and helpless. But I have to think positively I and Sho are two pro heroes.

Boy: Even if you are both pro heroes. You can't stop death. And not "save everyone" as all Might loves to say.

The boy wants to put me in depression.

Boy: They are only facts, so don't take it personally. Oh yes, it is an honor for me to speak a pro underground and a pro limelight hero.

Sho: How?

Boy: Back to our topic. What happened today is the perfect example that people die without any control.

We both look at him completely shocked... he means the explosion.

Boy: You couldn't do anything about it.

The way the boy thinks hurts.

Boy: So it doesn't matter if a person is missing and I would already survive a few sips.

Before I could decipher the meaning of his words or anything else, he got up and packed the coffee.

He drank a big sip before Sho snatched his coffee. I look at him, he looks all right, his organs haven't come up.

Boy: Mmmmhhhhh interesting if Ereaserhead uses his quirk while I drink it, it seems that I don't carry any after-effects of it that come from my quirk. The voice is also completely silent and...

He speaks incredibly quickly without a dot and bracket and I hardly hear him. Wait, he said that Ereaserhead uses his quirk. I look at Sho and he looks like he wants to kill him his hair was in the air and his eyes red he was full of anger. His hair goes down again and he calms down again.

Sho: Don't do that again.

The employee comes with my cookie. And many cups of coffee.

Me: So much coffee is not healthy.

Boy: Caffeine actually lowers the probability of Alzheimer.

Sho: Ha.

Boy: However, about amounts of caffeine has the after-effects of restlessness, nervousness, increased excitability, insomnia, facial flushing, diuresis and gastrointestinal complaints. more than 1 g of caffeine: speech disorders, muscle spasms, tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmias, hyperactivity and psychomotor deficits.

Sho: Whose side are you on?

Boy: No one.

Me: How old are you Little Listener?

Boy: I am three years before I can take the Ua entrance exam.

Me: So 11 or 12.

Boy: Yes

Sho: Why do you take the entrace exam?

Boy: Because I want to participate.

Me: You already know that as a hero you have to beat people and this is not really polite.

Boy: I know. But I like to collect more information and blackmail material about them and to suffocate them in their own actions and worst moments.

I can literally say that Nezu would love the boy. I slide a little further away from the boy.

Sho: Do you have anything else that distinguishes you as a hero?

Boy: Hmmmm.

He puts his finger on his mouth and thinks. I bet on my mother that he says his quirk.

Boy: I have a high pain tolerance.

Ciao Mom

These words show a lot of red flags.

Me: Do you perhaps have a few other heroic things to help you in a fight?

Boy: Hmmmm

Please please say something normal I'm already worried enough about Deku and now you too and I don't want to worry any more.

Boy: I'm good at Kommbat and quirkless fight...

That's unusual, most children talk about their quirk and such the boy is really something else.

Sho: I see you staring at coffee, child.

Oh no. Not the coffee.

Boy: I don't want to be rude. And absolutely die.

The last part was whispered. I heard wrong right... right?

I just hope that I have interrogated myself.

Sho: Ok boy I'll use my quirk and you can drink your coffee then okay. 

I am amazed.

Me: You rarely do something like that. Voluntarily help someone.

Sho: the coffee is completely cold, which means the boy has been here for hours.

WHAT? He thought for so long.

Boy: Thank you.

Sho uses his quirk and gives the boy the coffee. The boy literally drinks it in a few seconds.

Me: Why did you drunk it so quickly.

Boy: Ereaserhead helped me, it would be mean if I drank for so long and his eyes dropped.

How does he know that?

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