I had my fun 13

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Deku POV

My cell phone is shaking in my pocket. I'm on my way home because I had no luck looking for treasures in the glass anymore. But my cell phone was shaking. This means that someone has hacked into my cell phone. The person didn't fall for a trap, but triggered my alarm. I start running, my way home is around 9 minutes, there I have my laptop. I hope the person is bad at hacking or he falls into one of my many traps. Come on. Why does this have to happen to me? The vibration of my mobile phone got worse and worse, which means that the person is very close to my data. I see my house from a distance and get my key out, open the door and then I am already in bed on my stomach next to my laptop. I'm literally screaming to my laptop.

Me: Come on, go on!

I want to hit my fist so much in this screen. But I absolutely need my laptop. It is on. Finally!! My fingers attack the keyboard and type like crazy. I type so long and so crazy until the person gives up. Now it was my turn and hack myself in the system from the person who dared to hack into my computer. Hmmm. 

Me: Oh dear, Nezu, I really don't want to do this to someone as clever as you. But why shouldn't I do that.

I laughed deabolically. I will experiment with my created hacker virus at U.A. I'm curious how quickly my virus manages to destroy an entire system. I have a quirk installed in my virus. I took some DNA from Kacchan and incorporated it into my virus. So my self-made virus is incredibly aggressive, fast and explosive. Almost no electronic device will be strong enough against him. Why can't I have a little fun and test how good my hacking skills are?

I look at the electronic devices that are still working and were not damaged by my virus. Hmm. A few weapons and robots are still working. I have a diabolical smile when I turned on all the combat robots and gave them Nezu, Present Mic and Ereaserhead as targets. I know it's there fault that my cell phone was hacked. Eraserhead or Present Mic would like to find me. I'm tapping on Ereaserhead. Present Mic is the person who gives up something very quickly. The robots are spreading.

Me: How many robots should Nezu get... I'll give him 12. I give Ereaserhead 33. Mic I give 59. Mic is with his class, so he has supporters. I also really want to see how he fights the robots with his quirk. His class is full of students so he can't use his quirk so well without the student becoming deaf. It's going to be funny.

When all the robots have reached their destination, I used the lockdown. Every window now has metal barriers and it is hardly possible to get out. U.A is a fort now. Nezu is trapped in his office, Aizawa in the hallway and Mic with his students in the class.

Present Mic POV

All doors and windows are suddenly blocked with metal. But before they were blocked, many robots ran or drove into the classroom. The class is panicked and runs headless through the opposites. Some lose control of their quirk. Is that a test of Nezu? This Satan. But the robots only have me as their target for one reason.

Me: Try to stay calm and hide behind the desk.

I'm starting to fight the robots even if I'm not the best in combat. I kick a head away from a robot and use his weapon to cut another robot into two pieces. Then I jump on another and then away. The robot stabs himself with his weapon. I defeated four robots. How much do I have left? 40? I use my quirk.


The pressure wave threw some robots against the wall and destroyed some. A few of my students have passed out, some have lost their sense of coordination and some vomit on the floor. My eardrum also hurts a bit because I don't wear my headphones. There are still 20 robots and I start jumping on every robot until they have all killed themselves. I have several bumps and scratches and two deep cuts on my cheeks. It probably looks like I'm smiling like a crazy one.

Me: You're all okay.

Student: Yes

Deku POV

Me: Hmm.

I'm starting to mumble.

Me: As I see, he doesn't have the best combat skills and is not exactly smart. Nevertheless, he managed to defeat the robots and also who he is injured, he asked about the students. If I had adjusted the robots better, he would be dead. I still set it from 1-10 to only 1 His quirk hurts his ears if he uses it too loudly. Interesting. I thought that was just a rumour. But it's pretty clear because he's wearing the headphones.

I'll quickly get my notebook and write down my new information about the hero oh that's going to be so funny. I'm recording my voice.

Me: Hahahahahahahahahahahahah. Good try. But you need more.

I use a few filters to change my voice and let my recording sound through all the speakers of the whole school.

Me: Wow. Everyone thinks I'm a villain?

I want to be feared like a villain. I don't want to be feared with deeds, I want to be feared for what I can do. I'll make another recording.

Me: Nezu, you can try to hack into my cell phone. At some point you will make it... maybe... maybe not. ... You can dream of making it.

I'm going to make him so angry. I can only imagine his face when he hears the robot voice.

I typed a bit on my computer. Even though I missed Ereaserhead's and Nezu's fight in live, I want to see their tactics. I don't want to miss an opportunity like that. Is Nezu still an alive? I'm going to a camera in Nezu's office. My eyes are big. It looks like a monster has been ruising in Nezu's office. Nezu was in the middle of the room with cable in his paws and mouth. Did he really tear the robots out the wires and bit them. Now I don't think that Ratsatan is an understatement anymore.

At least I have new information. His teeth and claws must be very sharp.

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