A little game 41

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Deku POV 

After that, Nezu let me go. But I have to come tomorrow.


Me and Nezu played a chess game of the Ua Staff and two other children of heroes were also there. Don't ask why. After we literally played for 4 housers without anyone having an advantage Nezu decided to try to find a weak.

Nezu: So I heard that your father left you before you were born.

Me: Au

I'm hurt.

Hound Dog: I point you out not to break a student and especially not him.

Aizawa-sensei: Are you okay, did he hit a sore spot?

Me: Hahahahaha.

Everyone is surprised. Probably everyone believes that I have completely lost my mind.

Hound Dog: He lost it.

Demi: Puppy, are you okay?

Me: A sore spot? No, you didn't hit a sore spot. You hit far away.

All I room except me and Nezu sigh relieved.

Recovery Girl: Don't do that again. You scared everyone.

I ignore everyone and continue to talk to Nezu and play chess.

Me: If you want to break me, try again.

I hear Mic-sensei whispering.

Mic-sensei: That won't end well, he is challenging him.

Vlad King: I speak all my prayers.

Recovery Girl: Don't dare the boys...

Nezu: Hmmmm, so that doesn't do anything to you. How do you then fill up about his suicide? Didn't you feel very unwanted afterwards and your mother didn't suffer terribly.

Hound Dog: Sigh. The poor boy.

I and Nezu still play chess during our conversation, it's clear that he's trying to destroy me mentally because he saw that it doesn't work in chess.

Me: I thought you wanted to make me sad and break me Nezu. But you only count beautiful moments from my life. I'm glad that this pig of a father is dead.

Todoroki: *cough *cough *cough. And I thought my hatred for my father was unnatural.

Iida: Midoriya please refrain from using this vocabulary.

Me: My father deserves it. Oh yes and Nezu, refrain from talking about my family history.

Nezu: What will stop me from doing so.

The atmosphere immediately became deadly and I still smiled at me, but my eyes were full of hatred and I sprayed a deadly and murderous aura. Everyone is scared and probably some hold their breath. I stole this quirk from a villain and if I use it hard enough I can let someone choke. I look at Nezu, he drinks from his teacup. Put it down and move a chess piece. But I noticed that his doors tremble slightly. But his eyes shine, woe he finds it interesting.

Me: I can give you some information that would interest you.

I still smile with my radiant false smile for which I am so known.

Nezu: I can get any information myself.

He takes a new sip from his tea cup. He does that, but only to calm his nerves and so that I don't notice the trembling, his cup is already empty. I move a chess piece.

Me: I can't hide, you're excellent at finding information, but I know what you don't know.

Nezu: Who is actually your Guardian. I heard that your mother also committed suicide.

Me: What?!

Nezu: Are you not living with her? I heard she committed a week ago.

Nezu tried to break me and get out of the situation.

Me: I heard that 4 years ago a quirkless 10-year-old little boy defeated you in hacking.

The aura around us became more and more deadly and dangerous.

Demi: Ohhhhhh it's getting interesting.

She was the only one who dared to speak and only I could hear her. Everyone from the Ua staff is frozen when they heard what I said.

Nezu: I kept the events highly secret, where did you get any information from?

I ignore his question.

Me: You no longer inform yourself about my family situation and I will give you the address of Deku.

Demi: ARE YOU CRAZY? Did you forget that you are Deku?

Everyone from the Ua staff is completely shocked after these words while the students don't understand anything.

Aizawa-sensei: WHAT THE...

Nezu: All right. What is his address?

He is very tense and tries to bring his feelings under control.

Me: I would like you to write on paper that you will no longer research my family and then sign the paper. Of course I will do that too... Oh and you forgot to move a chess piece.

Nezu's face is in shock and he's trying to fix it. He moves a figure writes something on a paper, signs it and hands it over to me.

I read it carefully and see if there's a second page. There is only one. I finally sign.

Me: The address is *******  Nr.184

Demi: I understand puppy. You are evil. I should call you a beast.

Nezu POV 

This boy is impressive and I don't want to know where he got the information from. All of the Ua Staff leave Ua to see the address. I think about the address and I remember it.

Me: The address is a cemetery

Everyone stops. 

Midnight: Do you think he is dead.

Aizawa: We shouldn't think very positive. He was quirkless.

Present Mic: Don't give up so fast maybe he is alive.

Me: Maybe

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