Chapter 23

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Chapter 6.

February 14th.

To everyone else in the world it's known as Valentine's Day, but to us, the date means so much more than that. It was the day we met, and the day we officially got married. You may not believe me when I say this, but the day I married you was the happiest day of my life. I mean, how could it not be? I got to marry my best friend, didn't I?

Right now, I know you probably absolutely hate anything to do with Valentine's Day, but I hope once you finish reading this outline, you'll start celebrating Valentine's Day with me once more. I truly miss spending my life with you, Kylie. Especially on February 14th.

If I could have anything in the world, it would be to spend Valentine's Day with you all over again. To marry you, all over again. To live with you, all over again. To hold you in my arms, and to hear you say 'I love you', once again.

Hell, seeing you smile at me is enough. I'll give up anything to have that again. Even my career. Who cares about money if you can't even enjoy your life with the person you love, right?

I rather live life in misery if that means I couldn't have you again. You're my Kyliemy Sky, and I seriously just want you back in my life.

These past two years had been miserable without you. I just want to go back to the old us. Back to the day where it started. Back to our wedding daythe day our lives officially started together. Before all this drama happened between us-when we were actually happy together. When we were in love.

But, no matter how much I wished for that, I know that's never going to come true. What's done is done, and there's no way to undo the past-no matter how much I wish I could. If I was given the chance, I would go back to that day, and repeat the whole day over, just so I could change that one moment that ruined our lives together. The day I came back to the apartment.

I know for the past two years, you'd believed one thing, and up to a certain point I did too. But let me tell you, I didn't divorce you. I know what I said on the day I came back to the apartment, but you have to believe me when I say, I was angry. I was saying things I didn't mean. I knew they were hurtfulthat's why I said it; to get back at you.

Remember when my dad called that morning saying I had to get to the office immediately? When I got there, his desk was covered in photos. He'd pictures, Kylie. Pictures of you with another guy. He told me you'd been cheating on me for months, and I lost it. I blew up. I couldn't believe it. After everything we'd been through, you'd cheated on me? Even after you'd promised to always be with me. After you swore to God you were going to be loyal to me. After you told me you weren't going to leave me like my mom did with my dad.

So, you gotta believe me when I say, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to scream at you. I didn't mean it when I said I hated you. I could never hate you, Kylie. But at that moment, I was so caught up in my rage that I didn't know what I was saying.

By the time I found out the truth, you were long gone. I tried calling you. Believe me, I did. But you changed your number, and every time I tried visiting you, your dad would always slam the door in my face. Even when I had sent other people to deliver my message to you, they were turned away. No matter what I did, nothing worked.

And before I knew it, divorce papers arrived in the mail with your signature on it. At first I didn't know what to believe. I knew you were mad, but I didn't think you would actually file for divorce. I never knew how much I'd ruined your life until I read the letter you'd sent me, begging me to let you go. You told me you married the wrong guy, that you finally saw my true colors when I'd kicked you out.

At that point, I knew there was nothing left I could say, or even do to change your mind. So, I signed it. I signed the papers like you wanted me to. Even though it broke my heart, I knew I couldn't stay with you. I didn't deserve to after all the things I'd said to you. You were right, I wasn't fitting to be your husband anymore, much less someone you could love.

After that, you'd disappeared from my life. And believe me when I say this, there was a time in my life that I spiraled into depression. It got so bad that I had to be watched. But it didn't matter. No matter what pill they gave me, nothing made it better. I couldn't stop thinking about you, Kylie. You were on my mind twenty-four-seven, and it wasn't until I saw your book, Sweetness Turned Sour that I came up with a plan. A plan to get you back. I couldn't live like that anymore, Kylie. I needed you back.

At first I didn't know it was you. S.P. James just reminded me of your writing style, so I thought if I could get her to help me with my book, I could finally get you back through the thing you love the most in the world. Judging by the way you reacted, I'm guessing you didn't read the last few chapters about how much I loved you. How I still love you

My vision blurred, as I felt the emotions welling up inside of me. I sat silently, hunched over as I slowly lost the rhythm to breathe as my face got tight. I blinked, then felt the warm dampness coursed down my cheeks. It couldn't be.

As the manuscript slipped from my hands, I quickly snatched the keys off the table before rushing towards the front entrance. He has to be lying. There's no way that happened. He was the one who sent me the divorce papers in the first place with his signature on it.

Wiping away my pent-up emotions, I slammed the door shut. A blast of wintry gust speared through my thin shirt, as it prickled down my skin. I shivered, taking in a short intake of breath. Seeing the flashing red light across from me, I picked up my speed, rushing towards the street. I couldn'tI didn't cheat on him. I-I-there's no way. He has to be lying.

I paused. But why did his damn words effect me so much? Why couldn't I get his words out of my head? Why are they starting to make sense? My eyes widened. W-was it his dad? M-maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe, everything was a misunderstanding—I started to think, when a loud eerie scream was heard, before I felt my body flying through air, as an incredible amount of pain rip through my skull. The sight of my own blood was the last thing I saw before I blanked out.

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