Chapter 22

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Chapter 5

 [Can I ask you something? If you had to chose one day you could go back to and repeat, what day would you chose? If I had to pick, it would be our prom night. Why? Well, I think you know why, and if you forgot, maybe this chapter will jog your memory.]

 It was senior prom. We'd been together for over a year, and I couldn't be anymore happier. We were as strong as ever, and I knew tonight was going to bring our relationship to the next level.

  We'd been talking about this for weeks. We wanted to be each other's first, but we also wanted to wait until marriage. At first I thought that was the plan too. Graduate, go to college, get married, and then we could have our little fun during our honeymoon, but that suddenly changed when Kylie brought up the subject one day.

 She wanted our prom night to be special. She said she wanted to lose her virginity to me. Of course I was ecstatic that she wanted me as much as I wanted her, but I didn't want to do something she would regret later on.

 So, I said no. And boy was she pissed. She thought I didn't love her. She thought I didn't care enough about her. And before I could say anything, she started to doubt our relationship.

 I was hurt. I couldn't even believe that she would even think for one second that I didn't love her. I always did, and I always will.

 After that our relationship was a little rocky, but we finally came to a mutual understanding. She had assured me she wouldn't regret it, and that she wanted this. She said she wanted to finally be one with me, and I couldn't help but blush at that. Call me a girl or whatever you want, but when your girlfriend said she wanted to have sex with you, wouldn't you blush too? Especially if you actually love her?

 Exchanging some passionate kisses, and long apologies, we stayed in each others' arms that night—welcoming each other's warmth and comfort.

 Liam, Sir. Everything you'd asked for is ready and waiting for you at the hotel, my caretaker since young said.

 Even the cake?

 He nodded. Yes Sir.

 I smiled. Thanks for doing this for me. You're the only one I can trust.

 He returned my smile with one of his own. You know you can always count on me, Sir. He patted my back. Oh, and here is the key to your room.

 Thanks. I took the offered key from his hands, and dropped it in my tux's pocket. Is the limo here yet? I asked him.

 Right outside waiting for your arrival, Sir.

 I sighed. How many times have I told not to call me, Sir? Just call me Liam.

 He frowned, his expression troubled. You know I can't do that, Sir.

 Why not?

 Your father will skin me alive if I disrespect young master like that. I rolled my eyes at the mention of my father. He was anything but my father. The last time I saw him was perhaps at my middle school graduation. He always worked long hours and when he does come home, he sleeps for maybe two hours and leaves by five in the morning.

  I raised my brow at him, ignoring the father comment completely. I'm young master now?  You were always young master, Sir.

 Will you please stop calling me that. I begged, opening the door. It's weird. Compared to Sir, Young Master sounds like some high class prince.

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