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XIII. Making Plans

AUSTRALIA: August 2023



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"So, you're Filipino?" Oscar asked as he dipped his brush onto the watercolor

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"So, you're Filipino?" Oscar asked as he dipped his brush onto the watercolor. She looked at him in surprise, "How did you- oh! The adobo and leche flan." She concluded.

He chuckled, "You know, I only know adobo, leche flan that's new to me." She looked at him with a smile, "You know adobo?"

He nodded and smiled back, "Granted the one I know doesn't have pineapples." They shared a laugh but continued to paint whatever their heart desired.

This time, it was Oscar who invited her to go out that day. And to repay her in bringing him to karting, he wanted for them to do something that was her passion. And that was painting.

Oscar will never forget the excited look on her face when she realized what they would be doing. He was glad that he made her happy. It melted her heart that he did something for her.

"It was something my dad taught my mum." She admitted. He smiled and nodded, "Well its good." She hummed and nodded, "How do you know adobo?"

He smiled at her, "Remember the F1 journalist I told you about?" he asked. She nodded and placed her brush down, hugging her knees and giving him her full attention.

"She's Filipino. She's like an older sister to me. An ate." He said. Olivia's eyes widened, "You speak Filipino?" she asked excitedly. He chuckled, "Yes but I don't try to, the accent makes it sound weird." He said shyly.

Olivia smiled, "Try it." He shook his head, "I will not embarrass myself in front of you." He reasoned. She chuckled, "Okay. How about you practice and I'll wait."

"You're so adamant in hearing me speak in Filipino." He said knowingly. She smirked, "Gusto ko lang naman marinig ka magsalita e, masama ba yun?" she said with a smile.
(Translation: "I just want to hear you speak, is it bad?")

Oscar smirked, "It's not. I just don't want to sound, what was Bianca's term?" he asked himself with furrowed eyebrows. "Ah! Conyo. I don't want to sound conyo." He said.

Olivia couldn't help but laugh. She grabbed her brush and pointed it at him, "Okay. Whenever you're ready." She said.

The two continued painting and talking about their lives. They were just having a nice time, like they always did when they were together. It was like they were the only people in the world.

Time passed and the two finally finished their snacks and their paintings. "Ta-da!" Olivia said with a grin. It was a simple watercolor painting of a bouquet of flowers. Oscar smiled and looked at his, he pursed his lips and huffed.

Olivia knew that look, he was shy and rethinking his next moves. She kicked his feet slowly, "Hey. Don't be shy now Oscy." She said with a smirk.

He raised an eyebrow at her, "But, it's not as pretty as yours." He reasoned. "It doesn't have to be pretty. As long as its made by you and from the heart." She said with a smile.

His heart melted again. It seemed that it always did when she was around.

With a bit of worry, he turned his canvas around and let Olivia see. She tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows, "Its..."

He sighed, "I know, not as good-"

"Me." She said and looked up at him. Her ocean eyes sparkled under the light. He nodded, "You figured out my drawing?" he asked.

She hummed and nodded, "A bit crooked chin and nose but still me." Oscar chuckled and moved closer to her, "I promise, to me you look way prettier in my eyes."

Olivia couldn't help but blush, "Bolero." He smirked, "Not really. Just telling the truth."

The two started to pack up, Olivia was packing the watercolors and Oscar was packing up the tupperwares they used for the snacks. Suddenly he remembered something.

He looked up at her, "Liv." He said. She hummed and looked back at him, "Yeah?" she asked. Oscar walked to her, "I have a race soon." He started.

Her jaw dropped, "You're leaving?" she asked. He smiled sadly, "Yeah, do you, maybe want to go with me? Watch the race?" he asked hopefully.

She looked at him, "When is it?" she asked. "Next weekend." He said.

Olivia felt her heart drop, he was leaving. "Oscar..." she trailed. He knew that tone, he knew what that meant.

"It's okay." He said with a smile, although it didn't reach his eyes, it did comfort her. She knew he wasn't lying. "I want to be there, it's just the week is preparation for graduation and I have to be there."

He nodded, "It's okay." He said as he placed his hands on her arms, "Graduation is important and we'll be okay."

"We will."

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