"Mahi, look at me." I did look at him. I didn't realize I was crying when he wiped the lone tears which had escaped my eyes.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can never ask for anything which could match or even come closer to what you are in my life. Don't listen to what my dad says or feels about you. He hasn't seen you the way I do, Mahi. The only time you need to be sad or shed these valuable tears is when I start hating you." 

He said I was still looking at his eyes when he came close. He was mere inches away from my face. Is he going to kiss me? That's when he moved his face from my face to my left ear and said, 

"And that's never gonna happen." What, the kiss? No, no, no, it's for the hate part. Yeah right. Huh. One second, what is happening to me? I changed my expression to a smile when I felt something on my left cheek. It was just a two-second peck, but I could tell very well that my sobbing face had turned red as a tomato, but not due to crying. 

But I could certainly cover that up with the crying part. Mental note. Besides, this was the first time he had kissed me after our camping trip. I won't count that one because he was drunk then.

"You look like a red wolf caught in light, hahahaha." He started laughing, holding his stomach, pointing at my face. Ohh, the maya trap, I fell for him again.

Bring it on...


Present day

I turned off the shower and quickly got dressed. 

Things are a lot different now, as compared to how it had been in the past

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Things are a lot different now, as compared to how it had been in the past. I was about to head out when my phone rang. It was still on my bedside table. Ohh god, I was about to forget my phone. 

I quickly marched towards my bed to fetch my phone and disconnected it from charger. It was Ryan calling. Ohh shoot! I forgot to inform him that I'm running late. I quickly answered.

"Hello Ryan."

"Hey there, are you alright? I didn't see you at work today." he asked.

"Yup I'm on my way to work, will reach there in a few minutes." I didn't feel like explaining why I was late and blah blah blah.

"Alright Mehek, see you soon." He said and hung up the call.

I decided to take a cab and reach YP asap. The moment I entered, Hailey, the woman from reception counter, stopped me.

"Hi there, Hailey. Good morning." I greeted her in a hurry as I wanted to reach my desk as soon as I could.

"Good morning, Mehek. I guess you are late today." She said.

"Yes, I am, I was caught up with something." I said, giving her the same excuse as Linda.

"I see, I wanted to tell you something." She said, coming closer and whispering. "Our new boss is not very fond of people who are late." Oh yes, the man who never woke up on time is now the most punctual man alive. I know that very well.

"Noted, Hailey." I said, giving her a sweet smile and waving her goodbye.

I tried to hurry to my desk. I released the breath I was holding when I reached my desk.

"Finally, I'm here." I huffed, attracting Ryan's attention. He was on call with someone when he gestured to me to come to his desk. I obeyed and reached there.

"Alright, thank you very much. I owe you this one Daisy." He was speaking to someone named Daisy and hung up quickly after muttering goodbye.

"I need to show you something, Mehek." Ryan said. I was curious now with what I saw on my screen.

"It was in the news this morning, I'm sure you wouldn't have seen it." My mind was totally blank, matching my expression.

"I know, see YP has decided to host a contest. It includes internal employees across states who will get a chance to become a published author." Wow! That's great but how?

"Let me tell you how." Ryan said as if reading my mind.

"All employees who aspire to become a writer need to submit a story in any category before June 30, and they will select the best one and publish it."

"I don't know what to say Ryan." I was lost in my trail of thoughts. This is something I have been waiting for so long. And I am getting a chance. It's too soon, everything is happening too soon.

"Mehek!" Ryan called me, bringing me back.

"I know you are a really good writer. I have read your work and I know you have it in you. Don't let this situation or anything ruin your dream. Not everyone gets a chance, but you did, so let the world know that you are the best." 

I felt like hugging him, but I didn't. I really need someone who could remind me of what I am. I was too engrossed from the past few months to focus on who I was and what I wanted in life.

"And let me tell you something, you don't even need an editor. And if you do, you know who to call." He said, pointing his fingers towards his chest. We both chuckled in unison.

I wanted to think about this. Entire YP across states will be participating in this task. I need to write the best story while managing my work at the same time. What should I write, and where should I start? I will think about this later.

"Thank you very much, Ryan. I really needed this." I said, matching my thoughts. He was looking at me with his twinkling eyes. Sometimes, you need to tell people how important they are, before it's too late. 

I didn't notice that we were standing close to each other. I tried to make distance between us, but just then, someone interrupted. I could tell who it was even from my grave.

"Am I interrupting something?" Ohh shoot! Here we go again!!!!


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