chapter 39

400 16 7


March 2004

Dual katanas in your hands, you practiced the arch of slicing with the blades. The crisp spring air filled your lungs as morning light filtered through the trees into the grass clearing where you had celebrated Satoru's birthday. The area had more or less become the hideout for the two of you. To your right, Satoru watched keenly, judging your every movement.

He had helped you pick out your weapon of choice, the dual katanas, based on your cursed technique. And he couldn't've been more right. The double blade system synced perfectly like deadly extensions of your hands.

"How was that?" You asked breathlessly, pausing and looking at the boy.

He shook his head and stepped forward. "You're not slicing at the right angle, (Y/N)."

Satoru stepped behind you and took your right hand in his, twisting your wrist in both ways, emphasizing your wrist movement. "When you slice in this direction, you must make sure the blade is perpendicular to the movement. To maximize your strength."

You were painfully aware of how close his body was behind you, his breath in your right ear and his touch on your right hand. Satoru, however, seemed unfazed. Pushing away those thoughts, you did a few test slices, to which Satoru seemed satisfied, and stepped away.

You did a few more arches before throwing your blade, which went flying and lodged into a nearby tree.

"You're aim's getting better." Satoru commented. You smile proudly at him, about to go and retrieve the blade, when Satoru called out to you. You turn to look at him.

"Try using your convergence, remember?"

"Oh yeah! That."

For the past four months, the boy had been your Jujutsu mentor and taught you how to correctly manage your power. He had even helped you discover your own skills, which you were pretty proud of. One of these skills were what you called "Convergence." It was called such because you were able to converge all your cursed energy into one concentrated area. Although you were not well-versed with your skill yet, Satoru took every chance to remind you to practice and to use the skill.

As you focused on your cursed energy, you felt the blade in the tree loosen a bit, wiggling itself. Despite your best efforts, it wasn't enough to full dislodge the knife.

"That was good," Satoru smiled at you, walking past you to pull the knife out. You watched him walk across the clearing to the tree, his smile playing in your mind. The past eight months had done him well, the icy blue in his eyes melting to a warm sky blue. And, in your mind, he had grown more and more attractive, his cold disposition to strangers no longer daunting you. In fact, it made you feel special; he never showed this side of him to anyone other than you.

"Here," The boy placed the katana firmly in your hand, and you met his eyes. He had grown taller, which meant you had to raise your gaze to meet his.

"You're acting like this is your first time meeting me." Satoru said. He had begun to pick up your way of sarcastic jokes, which wasn't doing you well.

"As if. I'll slice you in half." You huffed and looked away, pulling your katana from his hand. "This is enough practice for today."

His hand dropped to his side, and you caught yourself eyeing his hand.

I want to hold his hand.

"Let's go get some bakery goods." Without thinking, you grabbed his hand and turned to pull him towards the exit of the clearing. Satoru followed behind you.

"You're improving, (Y/N). With your cursed techniques."

"And it's thanks to you! If I hadn't met you, I would still be keeping my power a secret and scared of revealing it to anyone." You squeezed his hand, as if sending him a secret 'thanks.'


Returning to your secret clearing with Yamamoto-san's fresh baked bread, you plopped down in the grass and laid down, enjoying the midday sun.

"I really want to go to the city one day, Satoru." You said, eyes closed. The boy was quiet, but you didn't take any meaning to his silence. It was how he was, after all. A boy of little words. "I love this village, but there must be more than this out there. I want to see the tall buildings and bustling roads, and experience city life."

After a moment's silence, Satoru replied. "Let's... let's go one day."

More silence.

You opened your eyes and looked at him, a little taken aback. You had taken note of his unwillingness to dream of the future, and you hadn't expected it to be any different this time. He had never joined your talk about the future before, always leaving the dreaming and hoping to you.

He was sitting next to you, hugging his knees and looking up at the sky. You eye his sharp features, feeling your lips tug upwards. "Yeah, let's go one day, together."

You watched Satoru's grip tighten around his own arms as he pulled his legs in closer to his body. Your lips instantly dropped its smile. His expression hadn't changed, but it was clear he was fighting a mental battle. He was trying dearly to convince himself that it was alright to dream like this. You didn't know what his past was, but you were determined to be his outlet, be the space he can simply live his childhood.

Pushing yourself up, you took a position facing the boy. You took both of his hands, which caused him to look down from the sky and look down.

"Look at me, Satoru," you locked eyes with him, with those sorrowful blue eyes. "Remember what I'm about to say, okay?"

Satoru slowly nodded, blinking twice.

"It's okay to dream. It's okay to want."

He took a sharp breath, breaking eye contact and looking to the ground. You squeeze both his hands.

"Don't ever be afraid around me, okay? I want to be here for you. Will you let me?"

Without looking back up to you, Satoru nodded slowly again. Something inside your chest unfurled, looking at the boy in front of you. You wanted so desperately to make him smile, to give him the happiness he deserved. With a last squeeze of his hands, you let go, albeit a bit reluctantly.

You rustle through the bag of bread, fishing out your choice of chocolate muffin, before sitting down next to Satoru again, munching on the sweet treat and enjoying the silence.

After a moment, Satoru breaks the silence.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."


(。Ŏ ᗜ Ŏ ̆ 。)

Word count: 1110 words

Published December 21, 2022

I do not own any of the characters from Jujutsu Kaisen.

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