chapter 14

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"Hi, Ieiri-san?" You peek into a white room. Nobara's helping you carry your weight in the late afternoon sun, as your ankle wouldn't allow you to do that yourself.

"Ah! (L/N)-san! This is my first time meeting you. Nice to meet you!"

"Likewise," you reply.

"Sit here!" Ieiri gestures to a cushioned platform, the kind that doctors make you lay on. Nobara helps you on, before sitting down on a chair herself.

"So," Ieiri starts. "Tell me what happened."

"With Gojo? Or er... Oh, you mean my injuries?"

Both women narrow their eyes at you.

"I knew something happened between you and that guy!" Nobara exclaims. "Both of you have been acting super weird since you came back this morning! So tell me, what happened?"

The image of Gojo's face, eyes red with tears, conjures in your mind, and you shake your head. "Never mind that. We're fine."

"No, you're not!" Nobara presses on.

"Shhh. Kugisaki-chan, we can grill her for details later. For now, (L/N)-san, tell me what happened."

"Ah. Well, I was fighting a cursed spirit and I was tossed into the air. I think my ankle is sprained and I might have a concussion? Yeah, you can see all of my other scrapes."

"The one on your cheek is pretty bad. I'll try to fix your ankle first, then that, okay? Lie down."

As you lie down, Shoko places her cold hands on your ankle, causing you to wince in pain.

"So, (L/N)-san. Tell us. What happened between you and Gojo-sensei?" Nobara continues the conversation from earlier. A warm feeling spreads from your ankle.

"Honestly, I don't know." You start. "You know he's been weird since the first mission we went on."

Nobara pouts. "You can't tell us that something happened between you guys and then not tell us what happened."

The moment Gojo yelled your name plays back in your mind again. Thinking back, there was so much terror and despair in his voice, you don't know how you didn't notice.

"Well... uh... He kinda got mad at me for getting in the way of his fighting, I guess." You say, suddenly a bit embarrassed at how badly you were beat up. Shoko looks up, having finished your ankle.

"How's it?" she asks, as you roll your right foot in circles. Not even a bit of pain.

"Perfect. It's so cool how you can do that." You admire. Shoko moves on and places her hand on your cheek.

"Why were you two together in the first place? I thought he left?"

"I have no idea either. He kind of just... showed up."

"So did you guys yell at each other?"

"Yeah, basically."

"Wow. I can't imagine either of you getting mad, much less at each other. Something terrible must've happened."

"Why can't you just remember!?"

"Yeah, I feel a bit bad. I know he's a good guy."

Both Shoko and Nobara give you a look. "A good guy?" Shoko says, laughing. "He's the most annoying guy I've ever met!"

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