chapter 31

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image credit: wallpaper flare?


The door to your room opens soundlessly and you slip into your room, kicking your sliders off and lowering yourself carefully into the bed. Your entire body is aching and throbbing from Sora's attacks. Your face hurts the most, and you know it's bleeding but you don't have the energy to get up and clean the wound.

Despite the physical pain, your mind only dwells on your conversation with Sora. What was a small seed of doubt in your brain before has now sprouted into a plant, rooting itself into your thoughts. You had already felt uncomfortable with the thought of Sora "living" in your brains, but how much influence did he really have on your life?

Why do you think you wanted to come to Osaka in the first place? Do you think it was a coincidence that we found the person we needed the most? He had said.

What did he mean by that? Why did you want to come to Osaka in the first place? Surely, it's because you wanted to, right? Or... had he been invading your thoughts since the very beginning?

You try to think back to when you were younger, but no outstanding situations had been memorable enough for you to find odd. Your life had been pretty plain; you grew up in the same small town with the same people and friends.

But... what if Sora is right? What if you're just being manipulated and used, just like you had the whole time you were with that organization? And you didn't even know? After all, they still technically have you dancing in their palm. They can make you do whatever they want you to.

What if your decisions aren't even your own? Are your thoughts being manipulated too? Your opinions?

No, you think. You still have your own thoughts. After all, that's why you left the organization.

And, what about your parents? You wonder how they were doing, making a mental note to give them a call tomorrow. All you wanted to do was experience city life in Osaka, have a bit of fun for once in your life. And you had to get dragged into this mess because of Sora. Because some stupid group decided to use you as a tool.

And now, you're completely under their will, unable to control even your own actions sometimes. Tears prick at your eyes. You just wanted a break from daily boring life in your village, not this.

You sigh, staring at the ceiling. You turn your head to look at the wall separating your room from Gojo's room, and remember how you almost asked him to go on a walk with you earlier. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to discuss this with? You think.

Gojo's sleepy voice comes to mind.

"Okayyy, (Y/N). Be safe. I'm waiting for you."

You push yourself up to a sitting position, ignoring the throbbing pain throughout your body, and wiping away your tears. There is a sudden urge for you to visit his room. Slowly limping to the door so as to not exacerbate your wounds, you leave your room and stand in front of his wooden door. This time, you will knock.

Before you can raise your hand to knock, the door opens, and Gojo's standing there, yawning into his hand. His tousled hair, not held up by his blindfold, falls across his face, perfectly framing his blue eyes. You freeze, heart skipping a beat. Those eyes... It's almost relieving to finally see his face again.

The man's wearing a loose black t-shirt and soft black pajama pants, an attire you had never seen him in before.

You smile at him sheepishly, eyes drawn to his eyes. You watch as those blue eyes widen a bit and instantly lose any trace of sleepiness, morphing into an expression of concern. He touches your uninjured shoulder, and your heart skips another beat.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaims. "Who did this to you?"

You look away. "It's nothing... I just-"

Gojo places his other hand on your other shoulder, and you wince in pain. He quickly withdraws his touch. "I didn't know where else to go." You finish your sentence.

You feel his grip on your shoulder tighten a bit before he ushers you into his room. His kindness causes your eyes and nose to burn with tears again. You quickly blink them away before he notices.

Gojo sits you on his bed, and sits down next to you, his hand still lightly touching your shoulder. You blink tightly a few times to rid yourself of any tears and lean slightly into his touch.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)? What happened?"

You sigh, clearing the currents running in your chest. His room is warm and smells slightly like him.

"I'm fine. I went on a walk earlier because I had a lot on my mind."

"Without me, again?" He smiles, cracking a joke. You smile a bit.

"I was about to knock on your door, but didn't. But anyway, I ran into Sora."

"Your friend? From that group of people?"

You nod.

"And he did this to you?" He says quietly.

You think back to when he had hit you. "It wasn't even a fair hit. He- He controlled my body and made sure I couldn't fight back. Such a coward." You hiss.

Gojo's hand moves from your shoulder and onto your back, moving in large circles. This sends your mind into overdrive as his touch sends more waves throughout your body. Any frustration and disdain in your mind melts away, replaced by this feeling, and you shudder a bit.

"Why was he here anyway? What does he want?" Gojo's voice is low and tense.

"I don't know, to be honest. I just know that they have complete control over me, and I can't do anything about it." You sigh, focusing on the feeling of his hand on your back.

"We'll do something about it. It's about time." Gojo soothes you. "Sometimes, you don't get to decide what happens to you in the world, (Y/N). But that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it."

You get the feeling that Gojo is speaking from experience. "He... He told me that they've been watching me since I was little. And that they made me want to go to Osaka in the first place. It's like... what else have they been influencing in my life?"

Gojo smiles softly at you. "Don't believe him, I'm sure you wanted to go to the city on your own will."

You nod a bit, feeling much more at ease than you had been earlier.

"How about this, (Y/N). Let's head to Osaka together. Tomorrow. That's where their headquarters are right? We'll put an end to this. You don't deserve this."

You look at him.


"Yes, tomorrow! We're sorcerers, what better thing to do?"



Word count: 1104 words

Published July 10, 2022

I do not own any of the characters from Jujutsu Kaisen.

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