chapter 8

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"Aaaaand here's your room!" Gojo fans out his hands, ta da! You peer in. It's a simple, undecorated wooden room, a window opposite the door and a bed to the right side. As you step into the room, Gojo continues, "You get a room on the staff's floor, lucky lucky! The students are right below us."

Yuji had gone down to his room after the tour of the school, so it was now just you and Gojo. You turn to him. "Who else here is staff?"

"Just me!" he hums happily. "The principle stays somewhere else."

"Oh, great. How overjoyed I am to share a floor with you." You roll your eyes.

"Considering you were trying to murder me a few days ago, shouldn't I be the one annoyed?" He pokes at you.

"Oh, shut up, Gojo. I promise I'm not trying to kill you anymore. I've changed my mind." You walk towards the bed, testing out the bounciness of the mattress, which you found is perfect for your liking. You look up at Gojo, who hasn't replied to you yet. He's smiling like an idiot, and if he didn't have a blindfold on, you are sure he'd be batting those thick eyelashes at you.

"What?" You retort.

"That's the first time I've heard you say my name since we met in Osaka. Do it. Say it again!" He smiles innocently at you.

"Be quiet before I throw you out the window."

"C'monnn, (Y/N). One more time! Even better, say my first name." He coaxes. "Say it with me. Sa-to-ru!"

You look away at the wall, embarrassed. Only people really close to each other call each other by their first names. "When pigs fly." You say with an eye roll.

"Ugh, you're so mean." Gojo pretends to feel hurt. "You better remember that promise."

Still looking at the wall, you feel the corners of your lips tug upwards.


"Do you want to try fighting with a katana? That's for close combat fights. Or are you more comfortable being a long range fighter?" Gojo asks you, presenting to you a wide variety of weapons, from katanas to nunchucks to shurikens. The two of you are in a secret weapons room in Jujutsu High. After you agreed to stay at Jujutsu High, Gojo decided that he would "personally train you so that you could beat him up one day."

You walk around and gaze at the wooden walls, where weapons are hanging on display. From the back of the room, a pair of katanas catch your eye.

"Wait," he interjects. "I have a feeling you'd like these." He walks to the end of the room, where he carefully lifts the dual katanas off the wall, before handing them to you.

You've never been offered a weapon before, even in your year of training with the anti-Gojo organization. Gojo watches you as you reach towards a pair of dual katanas. The light from outside the room glints silver on the blade as you take one blade in each of your hands. The grips fit perfectly in your hands and you turn around, giving each one a test swing.

Whoosh! The blades sing as they slice through the air.

"How did you know I'd like these?"

"Just a feeling." Gojo hums. You cock your head at his reply.

"That doesn't clear anything up at all."

"Never mind that," he fans his hands as if to blow the topic away. "Let's go try them out."

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