chapter 17

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12:40 am

"So you don't know why?" Shoko, who's still sitting beside Gojo, asks.

"No. I really wish I knew why." A dejected Gojo is slumped over, face in his hands.

"So, now I know the backstory, what happened tonight?"

There's a moment of silence between the two, during which one could hear the flow of electricity in the bright white lights above them.

"I... I needed to pick up some letters from my apartment, and I brought her with me." Gojo starts off quietly.

"I thought that we were safe, so I didn't even bother paying attention to her movements in the kitchen with my six eyes. And... when I walked out of my room she was holding a knife, glaring at me with this evil glint in her eyes, and she must've activated her cursed technique and nullified my infinity, because in half a second she had already stabbed me in the chest." He touches the raw, newly formed skin on his chest.

"And before I could react the knife was in my neck. She blocked my infinite cursed energy gates and stole my cursed energy, so I wasn't able to reinforce my wounds with enough cursed energy. It was all I could do to teleport here. She caught me off guard, that was all." Gojo's voice is shaking again, reliving the moment. Shoko knows that he isn't shaking because of his injuries or fear, but because of the mental anguish he is subjected to, seeing you do this.

Gojo takes a deep breath, slowly exhaling. "I don't want to be betrayed like this again."

Shoko pats him on the back. "I know. I didn't know she could bypass your infinity. I didn't know anyone could."

It's quiet for a moment.

"Me neither. But that's not what scares me." Gojo replies softly. The two sit in silence, listening to the hum of the electric lights.

"It just terrifies me knowing that the time we spent together was all an act. I wonder why she was so kind to me, knowing that she was going to end up doing this."

"I don't understand, either. She seemed so genuine to me last time I saw her."


Another silence.

"She's a good actor. Fooled all of us. I can't believe she betrayed us." Gojo says.

His eyes suddenly widen behind his sunglasses and he spins towards the door.

Outside, you're standing at the door, unaware that Gojo has already seen you with his six eyes. Your heart is pounding from running all the way to Jujutsu High, and you had hesitated to open the door when you heard Gojo talking.

Hearing his voice so broken and small caused a lump to form in your throat. He sounded so raw and devastated. You're put at ease at the fact that he isn't dying, though. Looking down your shirt, which is caked with his dried blood, you realize that you can't face him like this.

At the sound of Gojo's footsteps nearing the door, you activate your cursed technique and run, as fast as possible, towards your room on the staff floor, completely forgetting what you had run here to tell him in the first place: your morbid realization.

There's something terribly wrong with you, but you weren't sure what. It's clear that something's influencing your actions. Thinking back, this isn't the first time you had unconsciously attacked Gojo. The time after the mall fight, and when you woke up afterwards, you had attempted to attack him.

Your mind is swimming with questions. They must've been controlling you all those times. But how? What was inside you that allowed you specifically to be controlled? Why you? Why not someone else from the organization? And they said that you are Gojo's natural enemy.

Gojo's voice, overflowing with pain, rings in your head as you close the door to your room after you, shutting yourself in darkness. You finally remember that you came here to inform Gojo in the first place, but you're a bit glad you never got to face him. Who knows what you would've done. What Sora would've made you do.

You slide down the door to a sitting position, staring up at the ceiling with a heavy soul. How could you ever make this up to Gojo?

He is so hurt by your actions, your betrayal. You want desperately to tell him that it wasn't you! But is it safe to even go near him? Do you have the nerve to face him right now, after having stabbed him, after breaking his trust in you?

Listening in on the conversation, you wanted to yell "it wasn't me! I didn't betray you! I wouldn't!" But you kept listening, heart breaking more and more as you listened to Gojo's cracking voice.

A metallic scent hits your nose, and your mind is brought back to Gojo's apartment, knife in hand, lying in a pool of his blood. A wave of nausea rises in your throat and you run out the door to the bathroom, heading to the toilet. Blood, blood, blood. Gojo's blood.

You head to the sink to wash the blood off your hands with the eucalyptus-scented soap.

Rub rub rub. Even more. Make the smell go away. You use the soap three times, cleaning every crook in your hands, trying to make the blood go away. It was your fault that he got injured. At your hands.

After finally being satisfied with your hands, you head back to your room and grab a new pair of clothes before heading back to the shower. You peel off the sticky clothes and jump into the cold water, frantically scrubbing every inch of yourself.

The guilt in your chest is immeasurable; the frustration that someone else is in your mind, watching your every movement, listening in on your thoughts. You couldn't stay away from Gojo forever, but you know you have to explain it to him somehow. Without hurting him.

The fact that you are his natural enemy makes even being near him a threat.

What could you do?


omg this is the shortest full chapter I've written so far LOL a bit of a filler chapter i guess

next one is long tho so don't worry : ) i might need to take some time to catch up; that's why i extended update days to every 3 days instead of every 2 days :0 maybe even 4 days skjhd i have like tests and stuff going on rn

hope you enjoyed : )

Word count: 983 words

Published June 7, 2021

I do not own any of the characters from Jujutsu Kaisen.

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