chapter 29

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art credit: unknown


You're staring at the wooden ceiling of your room at Jujutsu High, unable to sleep. Outside, the midnight moon shines, lighting up the room in an eerie blue. The events from three days ago are still fresh in your mind, and you were constantly thinking about it while training.

What consumes your mind the most, however, is the dream you had while in the car waiting for Gojo to take out the cursed spirit. While you didn't have time to analyze the dream at the moment, you've had plenty of time to think in the past few days. You were able to deduct the following few facts:

You had the dream, or vision, in Sora's point of view.

Everything you saw there actually happened in reality.

The vision showed you what happened while you were in Gojo's barrier.

This made plenty of sense to you, and you are satisfied with your conclusion. You just found it extremely unnerving that your mind and his mind are connected in such a way that you couldn't control. It seems that this connection between the two of you is Sora's cursed technique, and he had somehow been able to infiltrate your soul. This connection, however, is not one-way. You could see into his mind as well, but not as well as he can see into yours. Not only could he take control over your actions, he could see into your mind, but he could do all of that on-demand, unlike you.

And furthermore, what was the feeling that you had felt, of something... missing? As soon as you woke up, and was back to reality, you had felt so confused and groggy, but it was unmistakable that you had forgotten something. It was like the feeling you get when you know some homewok is due but you just don't know what.

You sit up. Everything is a bit too much for you, and you feel a bit sick knowing that someone had the ability to peek into your consciousness. You suddenly wonder if Gojo is still awake. It would be nice to have someone to discuss this with.

Quickly sliding off the bed, you pad barefoot out of your room and next door outside of Gojo's room. You raise a hand to knock but stop yourself at the last moment and hesitate, standing in front of his room, not wanting to wake him. After a moments' pause, you decide not to and head back to your room.

Might as well go for a walk to cool down now that I'm up, you think.

Pulling on a jacket, you put on some sliders and walk out of the building.

Better not get lost again like last time. You recall the last time you had, lost in your thoughts, walked to the graveyard where a cursed spirit had attacked you and catalyzed your fight with Gojo. His face floats into your mind, those icy blue eyes you rarely got to see, a world of emotion you aren't allowed to explore. You know that behind the goofy guy he always makes himself to be is a serious man with deep troubles.

The road curves to the right, and you recognize the path leading to the nearby bakery. You follow the sidewalk, relishing in the cold nighttime air. The road is silent and devoid of movement, being a bit outside of downtown Tokyo.

You cross a road quickly and walk back onto the sidewalk, nearing the bakery. Suddenly, there's movement in your left peripheral. Your heart skips a beat, but you continue walking forward, a bit faster. The area should be safe. It's probably just an animal. You reassure yourself.

Despite having trained combat skills and a powerful cursed technique, you know that you won't stand a chance against bullets, if they are shot correctly. You are, after all, just a defenseless person right now lost in your thoughts.

A hooded figure jumps out in front of you. You freeze, activating your cursed technique to speed up your time perception and land a kick at the knees. As the person falls in slow motion, the streetlamp light falls onto their face and you realize that it's-

"Sora?" You deactivate your cursed technique, hackles rising. The man flops to the ground and catches himself with his arms, staring at you. What is he doing here?

His mouth slithers into a bitter smile. "Glad to know you still know my name, traitor."

You laugh in disdain, despite your rising heart rate. "Fancy seeing you here."

"You don't have to pretend, (Y/N). I know you're scared." Sora scrambles up and backs up a step, sneering. You narrow your eyes. He knew what you were thinking about these past few days.

"I'm not scared of you. I could take you down in a second." You say calmly. "Don't underestimate me. You should know of all people."

"Don't talk like we're friends," Sora growls. A laugh escapes your mouth.

"But you couldn't stop yourself from coming here and visiting me?"

Despite his words, Sora isn't attacking. Satisfaction flares in your chest. You know that he knows that he could never beat you in a fight.

"Visiting you? Don't flatter yourself."

Unless... unless he were to start controlling your movements. Something inside you deflates, and Sora notices this change in disposition. He smirks.

"Still scared, huh?"

That did it. You activated your cursed technique, slowing down time for you, and run two steps towards him. You grab the front of his shirt and kick both his legs before he can process what's going on. Holding his shirt close to your face, you hiss at him, "Don't act like you're so high up, Sora. Tell me why you're here."

For half a second, his eyes widen, but it melts into another smirk. Suddenly, an ice-cold feeling spreads through your body, as if someone had dumped cold water into your guts. You feel your hand let go of him, and he drops back to his feet, both hands still in his pockets. Your body is buzzing and numb, like when you compressed a nerve.

"Yeah?" He challenges you. "None of your business."

You grit your teeth and try to activate your cursed technique, but it's no use. He has control of your body. This is unfair!

He really had full control of your body, and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. You feel helpless standing there, but you don't allow your face to betray any of your emotions.

There's nothing for you to do now, but to listen.


this and the next chapter used to be one chapter but i split it up heheheheh

have yall watched the jjk 0 movie? so cool and we finally get to see the next part (and more satoru : DDDD) ! I'm so excited for season 2

Word count: 1062 words

Published March 23, 2022

I do not own any of the characters from Jujutsu Kaisen.

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