chapter 7

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You're surrounded by muffling darkness that seems to be pressing into you from all sides; it's black as far as you can see. It's so dark, you can't tell if your eyes are open or not. With every breath, it feels like water is entering your lungs, slowly drowning you in murk. Your ears are ringing so loud you think your eardrums might break, but at the same time, the silence was deafening. Confusion.

From the silence, you hear the sounds of a muffled scream. No, two screams. One male, one female. The voices are oddly familiar, but over the sound of your screaming tinnitus, you can't really tell.

Something swims into your vision, a blob of light maybe. As you focus your eyes, which you now realize have been open, the vision grows clearer. It's two people. The screams grow louder as you register that these two people were the ones calling for help. Despair fills your mind as their screams begin to pierce your ears and take the place of the muffling darkness. The air becomes even thicker and you struggle to breathe, each breath taking a massive amount of energy to complete. Oh, how nice it would be to stop trying.

Suddenly you're thrown into a room, the two people are in the center of the room and blackness recedes from your vision. Everything is very clear. Your parents are pleading, begging. Tied up, gagged, unable to move. The air becomes solid and you can't breathe. You can't move, trying to look down but you're not the one in control of your body. No, you had no body. It is merely your consciousness, being forced to watch this scene.

Some people dressed in dark clothing come in, holding weapons you knew were meant for your parents, who are screaming in despair. You scream along with them, hoping, hoping, hoping that the people would stop. Everything begins to swim around you as the men approach your parents. You yell, scream, no sound comes from you.

One of them turns to you, looking straight into your soul with dark, eerie eyes that speak of death. You squirm, struggle, but nothing moves. You can't move. He comes towards you slowly and your heart is racing, skipping every other beat, breathing erratic, no, no, NO, not your parents, not you! Don't come any nearer!

He raises his leg as if to kick you and you stop breathing, slowly watching as the leg comes closer, closer, closer, closer...

You sit up straight. No, you were already sitting up. The air around you is finally air, and you take gasping breaths, heart racing, mind racing. Looking down at your hands, you realize you have full control of them, but they are tied up with rope. Your whole body is tied to a chair. It was merely a nightmare you had, but no, it felt too real. What did you just see? Your heart grows heavy with fear, dragging down your soul, which already felt heavy.

Slowly growing accustomed to the room, you notice that you're tied up in a chair in a yellowish room. In front of you is Gojo Satoru, sitting backward in a chair, arms hanging over the backboard and legs on either side of the chair. He's watching you intently as you regain your sense of reality.

You look at him intently, still gasping for air. "My parents."

A moment's pause. No one speaks.

"My parents are in trouble. Please, let me go. I need to go home." Without a warning, you suddenly feel your head explode with pain, vision going bright white, as if someone had tied a rope around your temples and tightened it as much as they could. You are being squeezed, your soul is being dragged down, and suddenly the ropes around you are undone and you're up.

Hit him, hit him, kill him. You think. Get to your parents.

Running at Gojo, who is already standing as soon as you freed yourself, you brace yourself with cursed energy and shoot at him. He easily dodges the attack, and the energy hits the wall with a loud sound, leaving cracks and an indent in the wall. Gojo merely grabs both of your arms, and you try to struggle, but there's no use. He's too strong. You watch as he touches your forehead with his index and third fingers and then you can't move your body and once again, everything goes black.

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