Chapter 17

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After we ate we went back to our hotel room. Because I wanted to breathe fresh air, I went straight to the balcony. I was greeted by a cold breeze and a dark atmosphere outside. I looked up at the sky, I could hardly see any stars, and the moon was hidden in thick clouds. Looking back at the vast dark atmosphere.

I couldn't help but remember earlier while we were eating dinner. I received a message from my father. He asks where I am. I ignored his message and calls because I had no intention of letting him know where I was. As much as possible. I don't want to have any communication with him because he has done nothing but mess with my life.

Since childhood, he has been followed in everything. I have no right to decide for myself. I'm just following everything he says, so I feel useless because I can't disobey his orders. When he sent me out of our house, I felt free. I was able to do the things I wanted to do, like start my own business.

I thought he let me fulfill my dreams and choose someone to love, but I was wrong because since he found out about me and Rhian, he didn't stop messing with my life until he separated us. I felt so angry with him since then. He is the reason why I lost the person I loved before.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my cellphone. I looked at the screen to see who was calling before I answered. It's Samantha, My bestfriend, I wonder why she called. I answered it.

"Hello Michelle, where are you? "Tito Derek is looking for you. He says you don't answer his calls." She said with concern in her voice

"Why?" What does he need?" I asked.

"I don't know. Babe, why don't you talk to him to find out what he needs from you." Sam replied

"There's no reason for me to talk to him. If possible, I don't want to have any communication with him at all." I responded with anger.

"Michelle, he still your father. Give him a chance to talk to you. It's been a year." She responded with sympathy in her voice

"Sam, I'm sorry, but the pain I felt when I think about what happened still hasn't been erased. Let's just let the wounds of the past hea. Maybee, if that happens, I'll be able to forgive him." I answered bitterly

I heard her just sighed on the other line because of its failure to convince me.

"Mich, I'm sorry if I wasn't by your side when you needed me. You just don't know how much I want to run to your side to comfort you. But there's nothing I can do. So if you allow me. I want to help you. I will talk to Tito about you and Rhian." She said in a calm and soft voice.

"There's no need, Sam. Whatever Rhian and I have is over. I accept that we are not meant for each other. I'm tired of living in the past. I want to be free from pain and sadness." I replied in a deep tone.

"Okay then." She answered in a raspy voice. It seems she is already crying on the other line.

"Sam. Don't worry, I'm not mad or sulking at you, I understand you." I said laughing. I know Sam feels guilty, so I want to reassure her that I'm not mad and that I understand her.

"Thank you. Mich, I feel relieved that you probably aren't mad at me. I plan to go back to the Philippines next month when Daddy sends me home to help him with our business. So I will get back to you." Samantha said happily

"I'm happy you're coming home. We haven't seen each other in a year. We have a lot to talk about." I said happily

"Right. But where are you now? Are you okay?" She asked again

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Besides, I'm just on vacation, I'm still in the Philippines, babe." I said jokingly

"Okay, okay. Always be careful wherever you are. I'm glad you seem to be okay you're making me laugh." She said laughing

I just laughed. After a while, she said goodbye to me. After Sam and I talked, I entered the room. I saw Antonia sitting on the couch watching TV. I sat next to her she was surprised when my arm stuck to her arm. I looked at her with a smile.

"You're serious. What are you watching? I asked her in a soft voice.

"Twilight." She answered

"You love romantic stories. Do you?" I said with a slight smile. She just nodded to what I said.

"Yes." She answered with a smile

"They say people who love romance stories. Those are the hopeless romantic people. Do you believe that? Is it okay to be a hopeless romantic?" I said with a little laugh.

"Maybe. Being a hopeless romantic isn't automatically toxic. However, it could be harmful. If you have unrealistic expectations that no one can possibly live up to. Your tendency to idealize relationships causes you to overlook red flags." She replied in a serious tone.

"Oh. What the impressive explanation." I replied while chuckled. Antonia also laughed while shaking her head.

"What about you?" Antonia asked me.

"I think I am not a hopeless romantic person. I don't like the idea of idealize relationships. Hopeless romantics tend to fall in love easily and get invested in relationships quickly. They have an idealized view of romance and always tend to see the glass as half full," I said seriously.

"Oh. What the impressive explanation." She said while laughing. I laughed so hard when she imitated what I said earlier. Antonia also laughed, and our laughter filled the entire room. I was very happy during those times. It's been a long time since I've been able to laugh. I'ts so good.

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