13. Back to square one

Start from the beginning

Marie dared herself to look at her husband, her eyes wide with concern. "Why did you trail off? What is it?" She was gripping his sleeve. 

"I...I was relieved when it happened." Clint shut his eyes tightly, as if not ready to face whatever Marie's reaction was.   

"You were...relieved for Nick's death?"

Clint groaned again. "I-I didn't like having him around Zack." He said. "Or you." 

"Clint, he helped--"

"I know!" 

Zack whimpered a bit in his sleep.  

Clint grimaced. "I know." He whispered. "I know he helped you when I was away and you both needed help but I...I didn't like the influence he had on you both." 

"He didn't influence anything, Clint." Marie's grip on his sleeve loosened. "He was just a friend. Both to me and to Zack." 

"I never said my feelings made one hundred percent sense." He said. "It's just what I felt. And then I felt guilty for feeling that way. And I feel even worse for what I did to Neville. Why do I have to be in the middle of everyone's death? First the Rescue and Relief, then Nick, now Neville. It's all so..." He shook his head, his body slouching a bit as he held Zack in his arms. 

Marie's arm slipped out of his and he kept walking, muttering to himself. She watched as he got ahead of her, feeling a tightness in her chest to see him like this. Marie reached out and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, resting her head against his back. "It's okay." She said softly. "You did what you felt was right in the moment. Don't beat yourself over it. And sometimes it may feel like I don't understand you. But that doesn't mean I've stopped loving you." Her arms tightened around him. "I won't. Ever."

Clint's body relaxed in her embrace. His other hand slid down to rest on her wrist. "You promise?" He asked. 

"Cross my heart." 


The house on the Red Birch street was a two-storey cinderblock structure with a little patio in the back. The decontamination unit at the front door was still intact. The suction strips on the windows and the doors were still in working condition. Also, there weren't any infected inside. 

Marie took Zack on her lap as he slept while Clint moved the coffee table aside and set out the sleeping bag for the boy. His brows were furrowed in focus, his forehead creased a bit as he smoothed out the vinyl blanket attached to the sleeping bag. 

Marie chuckle as she watched him work. Clint looked up, raised an eye brow. 

"You are so serious." She said, still chuckling. "Like you are about to dissect the thing with a scalpel." 

That made him smile instantly, his face turning red. "Yeah, well I was just making sure--"

"And there you go with the explanation." Marie shook her head, smiling wryly. "You never really changed all that much Clint. You were like this even back at the university."

Clint's smile turned into a grin. "Nah, I was way more dorkier back then." 

"Still just as handsome though."

"You were the only one who thought that." Clint scoffed, then he smiled again. "You were the only one who mattered anyway."

Marie blushed, her face turning a deeper shade of pink and she looked down, still smiling. 

Clint patted the sleeping bag a bit. "Well, his majesty's royal bed is all set. Let's tuck him in." 

Marie nodded and put Zack in the sleeping bag. After tucking the boy to sleep, the couple sat back on the couch.

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