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Chris stood statue still just behind the motel, staring unblinking at the parking lot. Not the best behavior if he was pretending to be a wolf dog but he didn't care at this point. He could only hope that Gabby would understand the importance of coming back out. He didn't know how well the call would work on a human, especially when he was on four legs but if she didn't reappear in the next five minutes that would be it. He'd have to leave without saying goodbye. He lifted his muzzle into the air and again let loose a long note as close as possible to what Mollie had taught him, picturing her clearly in his mind. Come on Gabby, please come back to me.


He'd pulled away from Ivy after she asked that, irritated and confused. He'd told them already he wasn't going anywhere that meant he wasn't able to see Gabby and he said it again now. Zone apparently found this amusing.

"He acts like you do when someone talks shit about Risa."

Eli narrowed his eyes. "A human girlfriend and a mate are not comparable."

"She isn't my girlfriend." Chris noted sharply. "She saved my life multiple times. You asking me to cut her out of it isn't possible. I won't."

"It's a rule, Chris, everyone has to abide by it for safety."

"We'll she's different. And I'm different. If you want the Gift in your Pack you'll have to deal with occasionally letting her visit. I thought she was dead- do you understand that? Never again." He tensed his shoulders, eyeing each of them. "Or you can feel free to try and take me by force but know I plan to fight back to keep it." He gave them a grim look.

Mollie held up her hands. "We aren't after you for the Gift, Chris. We've told you that too. We are just trying to offer you a safe home. That's our job."


"But... you are right. Your situation is different than what we are used to- since she already knows so much and hasn't done any obvious harm- and the Gift would be of great importance to our Pack. I can talk to Carlos about options. And she wouldn't be allowed to visit although you may... be allowed to call or send letters occasionally. Perhaps an outside visit... With supervision."

Chris took a deep breath, hope sparking in him. That's all he wanted.

"That's all that was holding you back?" Ivy asked quietly. "If you can check in on her you'll join us?"

He looked around at the group, surprised to see they all looked excited. "Yes. I would."

Zone jumped up from his seat and slapped him on the back hard enough he had to put a foot out to regain balance. He glared at him but the other wolf was all smiles. "Yes! This will be great! I'll be able to give you the tour!"

"No it would be Eli and Ivy taking him back. We came out here looking for another loner, remember?"

Zone grunted but still looked pleased. "Two for one. That works."

"You'll love it." Eli promised. "While you get settled in you can even stay with us. Risa wouldn't mind a guest at all and Bailey is a good kid."

"She's four. She will want you to play princess with her. Fair warning, she occasionally likes to hunt her subjects." Ivy noted.

Was he really going? After all of this nightmare would he finally truly be safe somewhere with his own kind? He missed his friends, his packmates enough that it still caused a dull ache but the idea that he might be able to actually fit in somewhere was making him exhausted with relief. "What about a mentor?"

"Are you kidding? Your bren is great. You'll be going through regular workshops at this point. What on earth did they expect of you over there?"

Chris recalled all of the sparring he'd done and how often his slighter frame caused him to lose. The aggression that was expected during those sessions. The scars he still had from what would be a killing strike for most animals. At first they fed him to get his strength back, but then they could be starve for poor performance. The humiliation of being unable to do multiple brens after having kept from eating. He remembered Henry's classes as well. "They taught us a lot of history."

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