Chapter TEN

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Lunch was awful. Nanni was sitting across from her and her mother, next to her oldest brother. It was like battle lines had been drawn. The gift lay untouched on the table. Per usual her father was pretending not to notice the awkwardness and was chatting a little too cheerfully with Jake about his adventures in elementary school.

Christopher offered to clear the dishes and Emma got to her feet, wishing she'd thought of that before he did. Not like it would help him win mother over. Not if he kept defending Nanni's ridiculous behavior. Emma carried what she could over to Natasha before she left for the night with her brother on her heels. "I can't believe you won't wear Nanni's necklace. Do you know how important it is to her, Fatima?"

She ignored him until he sighed aggressively.


She turned to acknowledge him. "I never asked for it. She's just doing it to needle mother. She doesn't even want me to have it."

"It's your namesake. You're named after her. Now you made everyone fight."

Emma bristled. "Nanni made everyone fight. She brought it on purpose. My name is Emma and that's the end of it."

Her brother glared at her. "I'm not calling you that again."

"You're only saying that because you listen to Nanni over your own mother. When you're older you'll understand why this is so important." Emma sighed patiently which only seemed to frustrate him more.


"Easy for you to say. Father named you after Granddad."

"Who's a jerk that we never see. I'd much rather be named after someone who cares about us." He looked at her wide eyed. "You're hurting her feelings, Fatima."

"Emma." She corrected, pushing her way around him. "Stop arguing about it unless you don't even want to be in our family anymore. I already know. Mother's going to stop talking with Nanni. Maybe she'll stop talking to you too."

His expression turned cautious. He knew it wasn't an idle threat. She'd heard mother and him arguing that he wasn't allowed to go over there anymore unless he planned on staying. Her brother's eyes went mean. "Fine. Emma. Emma. Emma. Emma-"

"Emma do you know what you want for lunch or what?"

"What?" Emma jerked her head up to see Melody waving a hand and tapping a finger against the plastic covered menu.

"The waitress has already been over twice. Make a choice so we stop wasting her time."

"How is it a waste of time- it's literally her job." Emma argued but pulled the menu closer when Melody scowled at her. They had picked a corner booth at a chain looking truck stop that was nice and airy after taking a random turn on the highway and overshooting their destination a little bit. They didn't think they were being followed, or that there was any reason for them to be, but Emma was worried someone had noticed her expression, brief as it was, when she saw all of the dogs lined up in the back. She didn't know whether to be excited or panicked, whether it was good or bad luck they'd stumbled upon the place. She was glad that Melody was driving and that she was there to talk her down. Emma had briefly considered going back to the place and spying but Melody reminded her that they weren't even sure this had to do with dog fighting yet. And that every single one of those men was probably 'packing heat'. That meant they also were carrying guns. To Emma's surprise Melody seemed more determined than anything despite how shaken she personally felt. She hadn't expected the small woman to be so brave when things started to get sketchy.

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