Chapter SEVEN

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"Hey Mel- your princess is back."

Mel looked up from the table they were all crowded around to see a sleek blue car pull up to the curb. She frowned at Jay who was picking at the remainders of her sandwich.

"She's not my princess and don't call her that within earshot. The last thing I need is her getting any ideas. She already treats me like her little errand girl." Mel hissed stuffing the rest of her veggie burger into her mouth. She pointed at the boy sitting at the table. "Just act natural. Lee I'm serious. What are you doing? Knock it off!"

The dark haired boy next to her stopped unbuttoning his shirt and frowned. "You said natural. You want me in my natural state or not? Make up your mind."

Emma was pulling off a pair of driving gloves, because of course she was, and appeared to be taking in the sight of students eating their lunch outdoors with the same interest a child watches a baboon snacking on a piece of fruit. She was in gray trench coat hiding a blouse and dark pants. Her boots clicked on the cement as she walked towards them, hair pulled back just so from her face but not pulled up enough to hide the shiny length. Without the oxygen holding her back Emma's strides were long and purposeful and Mel barely managed to swallow down the rest of her burger before she was standing before them.

"Jackie. Lance. Nice to see you again." Emma regarded them both with a white smile.

"Jay. Lee." Mel pointed out to her gruffly. "Can you even try."

"Apologies. I'm bad with names." Emma didn't look very apologetic. Her arms went across her chest. "Ready to go now."

It wasn't a question and it pissed Mel off. "Actually I'm finishing my lunch. She looked around the table, knowing full well she had already stuffed the remainder of her food into her face seconds ago. She stole Jay's apple. "So you'll have to wait unless you want me to eat in the car."

"No eating in the car." Emma responded coolly, eyeing the stone bench. She used one of her gloves to dust it off and sat right beside Mel, once more filling her nose with her soft perfume.

"So, Emma, I'd ask you about your research but I know us lowly art students would never understand it-"

"Oh don't feel bad. Not a lot of people do."

"So how has your day been?"

"Terrible. And yours?" Emma sighed, staring at Mel.

Mel stuffed a bite of apple in her mouth and chewed ferociously. She felt juice drip down her chin but apparently it didn't bother Emma enough to look away.

"Well... we are finishing up final projects. My pottery project has been going well but its my shift at the kiln this evening so I'm nervous about that..." Lee finished awkwardly. Emma was still looking directly at Mel while she ate.

"Mel mentioned you two were going to play with guns." Jay laughed. "So what are you really up to?"

"Play with guns?" Emma wrinkled her nose. "I'm teaching her how to shoot. We never play."

Mel felt her cheeks heating up a bit but decided her petty move was worth it. She took another bite of the apple, nearly done. This time she chewed slowly though. Emma sighed and turned completely to her friends.

"So you are in pottery and printing and you are the one actually in photography."

Ah. She could remember things about other people when she tried.

"What do you mean actually? But- yeah. That's correct." Jay said casting Mel a look.

"And Lan- Lee. Your dog was sick. How is he doing now?"

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