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Gabby was bored so decided to lay on the itchy storefront rug with her head turned so she could watch the ticking of the sea-dragon clock up on the wall. She had nothing to do. The store was closed this Friday because Lola was working downstairs, Ben was upstairs working on his human homeschool work like a good kid and Chris... well she assumed he was having the time of his life running around with his new friends. Nevermind her. She'd tried to talk him into going to see the sealions with her, even explaining how much Mariah had loved them. That had almost worked but he explained he'd promised to meet up with the pack because they had something important to show him. It probably was important, but she was tired of not being important too. At least they had made breakfast that morning. Or she had made breakfast. He'd paced behind her, nervous she was going to injure herself somehow.

"I'm not some kind of basement troll that can't function without you, you know." She told him shortly. She'd improved immensely after having to cook for the household while Chris was sick. Lola had insisted she pull her weight, especially with a sick werewolf to care for, more cooking was required than her arthritic hands were used to even with Chemistry to help her out. She'd stood watch behind Gabby, barking orders. Quite a few of the dishes were new to her, but Lola's recipes were pretty darn good. Luke obnoxiously only bought pizza when told it was his turn. She'd have thought Chris would be impressed. He swore he was but he still winced every time the knife came down to slice some meat thin.

"I've never thought of you as a troll." He promised. "Maybe a goblin... a cute goblin." He clarified when she threatened him with the spatula.

Chris called her cute. It shouldn't have mattered. She tried to hide the pinkness on her cheeks as she grabbed the jar of fermented veggies from the fridge. She already knew what he used to think about her but it still warmed her face. "Oh in that case." She tossed an oven mitt but he dodged.

He'd complimented her soup earlier and had hovered close enough behind her she could feel the heat coming off him. Since the run with Ben and seeing the pack the following days he'd been less grumpy. He hadn't brought up her stupid drunken attempt to seduce him again but he wasn't backing away from her anymore either or frowning at her all the time. He'd been, dare she say, playful. He'd stolen a bite of stew from the pot only giving her a charming smile when she scolded him. He'd complimented her all morning. When she joked about the burn she gave herself learning to cook he'd demanded to see it then ran his thumb down her whole wrist while examining. He was sorry about the number of burns she now had and told her that with sincerity written in his copper eyes. She swore once she caught his eyes sweeping below the back ties of her apron with more interest than could be related to her pj pants. He was driving her crazy. But then he'd shot her down about spending the morning together and she'd been left alone to try and make her own fun. There was nothing to play with that she shouldn't touch so she was at a loss for what to do.


She was about to go for a walk when the handle of the door began to turn. Gabby froze on the ground, flat like the water bound creature she'd been imitating. No one should be able to get in through the front with Luke's ward up and she was sure she'd flipped the sign to 'closed' as Lola instructed. She didn't have a chance to think any further as the door slammed open. Sofia was walking backward, finger pointing accusingly. She managed to step over Gabby's outstretched limbs without crushing them.

"-ignoring my calls saying I was back in town and you were too? How can you- oh hey Izzy what's up- pretend to be my friend? Wait don't answer that. You're not. Puta."

Luke followed, caring a suitcase in one hand, Smudge under his other arm and a bored expression on his face. "Good morning Izzy. I guess you've met Sof already?"

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