Chapter two:the cullens

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jasmine woke up and groaned form the morning. she was not a morning person and to say the lease that she loved going out and was happy person and meet people but mornings where not her friend. she loved the night time more. her and bella may be different in some aspects but they were still alittle the same in most cases both of them hate getting old and they hate mornings and also jasmine is one to like the super natural. but that could be true for bella as well. so their not that different. aside from jasmine being so desperate to find a man she always makes herself look nice aside from putting make up on. she's not really that much into make up. but all in all she still gets comments on her flawless look. people have said she's so beautiful even if she doesn't wear make up.

after her shower, she put on a nice fitted green shirt with some blue jeans and some sneakers. she put on some perfume, and she checked her self in the mirror and she smiled and then brushed her hair to make it look neat. she put some serum in her hair to make it straight so when it dries it stays that way. she grabbed her bag and phone and walked down stairs and she went into the kitchen and saw her dad there. she was surprised seeing as though he's barely home since they got here.

she was kinda enjoying her time being alone. but good times die.

she walked over to the fridge and got out her tomato juice and some toast seeing as though she's not really that hungry.

she ate her "breakfast" and it was silent at the table. she liked the silence since that was the thing that she grew up with aside from going on missions with him. other times she really enjoyed being alone that way she can take care of herself. she was basically raising herself anyway. she never had a dad that took care of her.

"you look nice. what's the occasion? "her dad said and she looked up at him.

"no occasion. just wanted to look nice today."she said as she looked threw her texts and saw one from bella.

she texted her back seeing as bella wanted her to meet her boyfriends family.

"it's not because of that jake fello."he said as he took a sip of his drink. jasmine looked at him.

"dad, really? please dont' start. we've had this conversation before and i don't wanna get into it again."she said and looked at her phone.

she texted back that it sounded good. bella replied back in a second that she'll be there in a minute. and she sent back to bella A thumbs up. she put her phone down and then washed her plate. she looked out the window and saw a couple walking by and she smiled sadly and then just continued to wash her plate.

"i was just asking baby. you normally don't dress up like this unless there's a fello,that caught your eye."he said,"like that blonde haired guy with the gold eyes back in alaska.what was his name again?"

She glared at him. "Dont go there please, and his name is Luthor,not gold eyes."hasmine said and he held his hands up and he apologized. she sighed. "i know. but after all the vampire hunting missions and having to wear all that black color just to blend into the night so they don't see us.. i got kinda tired of that color it was making me depressed. and plus. i've always been a girly girl and wanting to dress up in bright colors and look nice but since we lost my brothers, nathan,mark,cameron,..tony.. and andrew. you needed someone to go on hunting trips with and since i was the only one. you took me instead."she said and took a drink from her water. he nodded. "the vampire fighting out fit was getting old you know."she said and he nodded and got up and kissed her head.

"i'm sorry. but since i had no one to baby sit you i had to take you along. i know it was a dangerous act on my part. but i couldn't let you stay home alone."he said and jasmine sighed and nodded.

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