Chapter 20

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It was easy.
So easy it was child's play.
I found someone who was just desperate enough to kill for me as I pulled the strings and played the part of the concerned boyfriend just well enough to make Jade believe I was the most solid person on her team. What I hadn't imagined was her admitting her self into black heights that kind of threw a wedge into my plan. Get the girl to fall in love with me, kill the people around her turn her into a monster just like me! Little did I know she already had a past of monstrous acts I did my research the moment I laid my eyes on her and it wasn't hard to hack into the system to find her files. I would never had imagined the darkness she hides under all that perfection but her record is as deep as the ocean. Sitting here in the sun room I not only light a cigarette but take a long pull off of it thinking about all the things I could do to her, I left the door open on purpose knowing that it would be the right amount of manipulation to make her fall over the edge. She's gone learn to love the deepest darkest parts of me and herself I'll make sure of it I want her to hate me I need her to see me as the villain in the story. Never once did the words "I'm a good man come past my lips" I want her to hurt for my own gain! Taking another drag I heard a big bang shaking me to my core I'm not gone lie a small part of me hopes she hunting me like I'm the prey now that would make this game so much more exhilarating. Her dad is a professional assassin never once had he told people what he does as far as his family is concerned he's in the military jades told me before that he use to teach her how to fight to kill she never wanted to use what she learned and only seen it as something to use as a last resort type of thing but the girl is dangerous with any weapon you give to her but that's alright so am I. The people who took me in had secrets and were seriously messed up I learned how to kill at the age of nine and I still remember my first body of course he was one of the good guys didn't matter to us tho we were the people who cleaned house when things got to messy. " OH FELIX"!? Finding my composure i straightened to my full extent throwing the cigarette on the floor and stepping into the shadows of the room just to watch her come into the room, her small frame had straps of throwing knifes hanging off of her thighs and her small hands hold two guns that look almost to big for her to possess, it made my dick throb. Hey princess what do you think your gone do with those little toys you have? Before I knew it one of her guns was pressed against my head and I watched as her smile became wide and wicked, I tested her and pressed my body against hers only to be met with her intention not to waver. God it was hot I knew the second that switch in her head flipped she'd become the true beauty she was meant to be "deadly" growling I said do it paint these walls red Lilly of the valley her hiss came out with more venom than a snake that I didn't have time to notice that she had switched her gun out for a knife that now is pressed up against my man hood her gaze quivering from my eyes down to my dick. She licked her lips only to prepare them to say "you want to play victim or prey daddy"? Answering I said neither I'm the god damn killer! Her feet carried her a few steps back so I took my chance to take a few more steps until her back was pressed against the wall. As she looked over my shoulder I dipped my head down into the crevice of her neck breathing in her sent "I think broken looks better on you Lilly of the valley" her whole body reacted to the words. My tongue snaked out to taste her and she tasted better than any fucking candy in the world so I took a hard and deep bite. Her scream echoing through out the room before she dropped to her knees looking up at me, there were no lights behind her eyes and it's just the way I wanted it! Taking her face in my hands I made her look up at me. "I'm gone fuck you, you will bleed for me! Obey me princess"  A single tear dropped down her face as she said I give in you've won. Dropping down to my knees I forced my lips on hers demanding for permission to enter she granted it to me within seconds. A fist full of hair as I bit her lip drawing blood I felt it drip down the corner of her lips and mine curled up at the thought of it. Laying her down big blue eyes look up at me her chest heaving from the mix of pleasure and pain I'm giving her that only I can give her, I let my hands wonder to places they weren't allowed to befor to just land out her Breast her nipples hard as diamonds and every time I pinched or flicked she'd yelp. "You can scream baby scream for me"! Watching her mouth open to only hear the most beautiful sound come out. my body vibrating with the longing of being inside of her. Now laying bite marks all over her body the shirt was no longer needed so I just ripped it off. My mouth found the buds of her  breast fast and I clamped my teeth around them and her hands found my hair as my tongue would lick over them. Letting go for less then a second I unclasped one of her knifes attached to her thighs. Straddling her I took the knife to her skin one small line down the side of her belly and before I knew it the scarlet pooled out and over her skin. Flipping her over ass up gripping her hair I made a few more down her back, I popped the buttons on my pants and found my dick flying out edger for her hungry pussy. I didn't take no time in entering her "Ahhhh Felix" coming from her it sounded like a god damn praise "that's right baby praise me" my loose hand found its way around her neck cutting off her breathing as I rammed into her repeatedly growling the whole time "I'm close Lilly of the valley, you come when I tell you to and only when I tell you too"! Leaning down I let my teeth graze her back leaving in it wake a hard bite mark for me to focus on, the strokes came in more rough and fast as her pussy squeezed around me "now baby cum for me now" she did just as told her I felt her juices drip down my leg mixed with mine. Rolling over she looked at me body flushed with red and pink it was a sight to see. "Your forever mine now princess" "your brokenness is my brokenness"!

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