Chapter ten

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Jade lead me up to her room basically pushing me down on the bed and I couldn't help but think is this how our first times gone be? With her grief ridden and not thinking clear, pulling her down on my lap I held her like a baby. Her eyes big and round. You could clearly tell she was holding back the floodgates, I gave her some small reassurance by kissing her forehead. Then I felt her nuzzle herself closer to me.

Tell me what happened princess?
I did something today I had no business doing and it back fired!
I'm sure whatever it was it couldn't have been that bad?
I left the house and was at the scene of the crime before it happened.
Jade you could have gotten hurt!
I wish I was the one that got hurt. I'd do anything to have Austin back!
They found his body at the park I was at moments after I had left. Someone had slit his throat and left his body out in the woods!
Me and Sarah got to say our goodbyes but she won't be able to forgive herself because of how their relationship was!

Looking as her I said I am so sorry I'm here now and I'm never leaving you again, if I have to keep you with me at all times or be over here everyday that's what I'll do to keep you safe angel.

I could tell she was exhausted I can't blame her she's already been through so much; so I lay her on the bed crawl on top of her kissing her then roll over to play in her hair. Laying there I watched as her mouth would move admiring her facial expression when she'd talk about something she was interested in or something that would frustrate her.

I watched her watch me, and I noticed a spark in her green eyes something I hadn't seen before tonight. And something told me in that moment she'll forever be mine, I had my mind made up. I will put the ring on her finger when she falls asleep and she can wake up tomorrow to find out. I'll make my few phone calls and get everything ready.

Stay the night I want to introduce you to my parents.

I'll introduce them to the new Mrs. Black. Catching the words that just flew out my mouth I internally cussed myself. Man why can't I just shut my damn mouth fuck I hope that didn't give the whole thing away. I watched her eyes close then she was fast asleep, pulling out my phone I sent a few fast text to make sure everything would be in order for tomorrow, then I rolled over and pulled her in close to me. Then in the morning I'd be on the fast track of being a married man. Closing my eyes I felt the weight just lift then I was out cold!

Screaming something sounded like screaming, opening my eyes I witnessed Jade thrashing around in her sleep screaming and crying. Leaning up out of bed I took her into my arms running my hands through her hair attempting to get her to calm down. Finally she stilled her eyes fluttering open to see me, shhhhh baby your okay I've got you it was just a nightmare. I felt her arm wrap around me and squeeze her small frame felt clammy and cold, then she looked up at me stating "he killed me" taken back a little I just stare at her. Who killed you baby?

The hood.

Reminding my self that Jade had her own experience with the killer I thought about how I didn't know how bad this could have effected her. My girl now has a form of ptsd, I'll kill this man if I ever come into contact with him! Nobody messes with my girl.
By this time Jade had done fallen back to sleep, I picked her sleeping form up and put her back in her spot of the bed tucking her in giving her one more goodnight kiss.

This is as good timing as I'm gone get so I reach down into my sweat pants pocket to pull out the black velvet box I carry around with me. I never thought I'd get to do this and here we are, she's mine I'm hers and I will be able to do as I please with her for the rest of my life.
The first thing I will do in our married life is give her kids I'll practice for kids I'll do this until she can't take nomore but until then I'll lay here beside her and give her what she needs.

Drifting off to sleep I dream about the life I'm gone make for myself I dream about kids a house and a women that will please me. I felt my member get hard and harder till I have to wake up and releave myself.  Sliding my hand down my pants I started to barely slide my hand up and down. Looking over at her face she looked so peaceful her blonde hair spread out all over the pillow she lay on. That little look made my member throb with longing to be inside of her.
Removing my hand I lick it the feel of hot saliva stings my hand then I shove it back down my pants grabbing my dick a little harder it felt euphoric jades face flashes in my mind and I'm full blown rubbing my dick now feeling it get thicker with every stroke of my hand. Picking up the speed I throw my head back then I felt Jade roll right over on top of me her tits pressed into my arm, I could have busted right then and there I could basically taste her she so close. Panting I kept going my dick wanted a release but i had different plans, I slowly started massaging the tip and that one small touch made a pit in my stomach. Turning my head towards Jade I slid my hand down to my shaft then back up our kids now painted the inside of my pants.

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