Chapter seven

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I listened to the sound of Felix's car pull into the drive way, looking out my window I got the most perfect view of him. His gorgeous body adorned a baggy pair of sweat pants and a unzipped jacket. His body held the glow of the moon and he looked almost supernatural with his black hair and golden oak eyes. Likes something straight off a movie screen. Running down stairs I didn't care who woke up and heard me, I had the door open before he could even look up from his phone. Stepping beside me he looked down at me put his hand around the back of my head and brought me in close to him.

I'm really tiered can we go to bed?
Of course love. Lead the way!

I lead him up the stairs past the five bedrooms, forking off to the right and up another set of stairs was my bedroom. Walking up the last two steps I felt Felix grab my hand, leading him over to the bed I watched as he sat down then pulled me down on top of him holding my knees under one arm and propping me up with his shoulder. Bending down he kissed me on the forehead.

Tell me what happened princess?
I did something I had no business doing today and it back fired.!
I'm sure whatever it was it couldn't have been that bad baby.
I left the house and was at the scene of the crime before it happened!
Jade you could have gotten hurt.!
I wish I was the one who got hurt. I'd do anything to have Austin back.
So tell me what you know about that.
They found his body at the park I was at moments before i had left. Someone had slit his throat and left his body out in the woods. Me and Sarah got to say our goodbyes but she won't be able to forgive her self because of how their relationship was.
I'm so sorry, I'm here now and I'm never leaving you again. If I have to keep you with me at all times or be over here everyday to make sure your okay that's exactly what I will do angel.

After our conversation he lay me down in bed crawl on top of me kiss me passionately and just play in my hair. We talked and I watched as this man held me all night feeding me words of reassurance. And that's when I knew I was completely in love with him. I felt my eyes grow heavy turning my head to him I said stay the night I want to introduce you to my parents tomorrow. Under his breath I heard him say.

I want to introduce them to the new Mrs. Black.

Before I could understand what exactly he meant I had passed out cold, I remember the feel of him pulling me into his arms then the curtains completely closing.

Sitting here watching Felix I jotted down the notes and shared unnoticed looks. The rest of the class was to focused on the lecture to see how I would wink at him or breath out breathless sweet nothingness to him. Something changed though what went from sitting in a class room full of people went to a completely cleared out class room. Trying to move I noticed I had been tied down to my chair, panic started to creep up the back of my neck. I looked around attempting to scream for help but nothing came out. Tears started to slip down my face then I heard it, laughter. It got closer an closer til I was face to face with the person who was responsible for this. The hood.
Ahhh sweet sweet Jade always the star of the show with you're prefect grades and perfect boyfriend it must get real exhausting being your friends and family. We're gone have a test Jade if you don't pass you'll die.
First question
Where was the first place you seen me
Stunned I looked up through my tear filled eyes and sobbed the park
Good, good but I was going easy on you, next question
How did they find poor Mr. Links body
Fully crying I said there were books lined around his body
Correct but what kind of books do you remember?
That's a trick question I spat at him
No it's not cause they showed the picture on the news now think
Thinking I kept coming up blank I don't even remember the picture from the night because of how distraught I was
Times a ticking sweet heart. Here I'll give you a hint you wrote a whole paper on it
I felt my eyes grow huge. The books were all about murder!
Ding ding correct Mrs. Layne. On to the next question.
How did I convince your friend to come to the park moments before you arrived?
How the hell am I supposed to know that?
Cause your a smart girl now tell me
I kept drawing blanks in my mind and I guess that pissed him off because he grabbed my face between his two fingers then smashed the cool metal of a butterfly knife through my hand.
I screamed I don't fucking know.
Oh yes you do because your the one who told him to meet you their Mrs. Layne
You are the one who got your best friend killed!!
No I am not. You are sick.
Do you want to see the proof then?
Still sobbing and screaming I watched as this dude pulled a phone out then proceeded to show me a text that I had sent to Austin stating
Meet at park at 2:00
He grabbed my face once more and this time I couldn't move due to shock
Mrs. Layne I think it's time you go to sleep
Bracing for the knife to go through my heart I watched as he circled around behind me then I felt the sting of the blade slice through my neck.

Shooting up out of bed I felt Felix's arm wrapped around me, he was rubbing my head trying to get me to calm down.
What the fuck is happening to me?

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