Chapter eight

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The next morning I woke up with Felix still beside me, trying not to wake him I slid out of bed making my way over to the bathroom.
My head was killing me so I went to put some pressure on my temples hoping to releave some of the pain. The mirror in front of me wasn't my friend it showed me the bags under my eyes and some wild bed head.
Tylenol was the only thing on my mind so opening the medicine cabinet I found a bottle, pouring one out and shutting the cabinet after. I went to go pop it in my mouth and there on my finger lay the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.
Shocked as I may be I also felt sort of freaked out. I know I had to stand there in shock for at least 30 minutes. Then I poked my head out the bathroom door to see a still sleeping Felix.
Finally I made my feet move from there position they were in running out the door down to Sarah room. I basically busted down her door and of course she slept right through it. Running over to the side of the bed she lay sleeping I jumped on top of her.
Wake up wake up wake up, her eyes popped open and I shoved my hand right in her face. Look he proposed.
Sarah shoved me to the other side of bed she looked at me saying shut the front door. We lay in bed just screeching and laughing for the next hour.

Oh my god we have to plan your wedding we have so much to talk about. Are you fricking kidding me jade the man put a ring on your finger this is a big deal

Laughing lightly I remembered what Felix had meant last night by saying I'll introduced them to the new Mrs. Black. Looking at Sarah I said I have to go back up to my room you'll see me soon I'll keep you in the loop.
Making my way back up stairs there sat Felix on the side of the bed, looking up he said good morning beautiful. Going over to take a seat next to him he pulled me in to him.

How are you feeling?
I feel fine why?
We'll luv you had some trouble sleeping last night. It took everything in me to calm you down from whatever you had dreamed!
Honestly I don't even remember much of last night besides falling asleep in your arms.

He left it alone and gave me a kiss on my forehead, yawning he suggested taking me out for breakfast so we could have a moment alone together before I introduce him to my family.
Sighing I agreed to go out with him, rushing to the bathroom I threw on a pair on tight fitting jeans and a band tee pulling my hair on top of my head with a few swipes of mascara.
Pulling out my phone I sent Sarah a short message.

Hey, won't be home. Keep parents preoccupied til I'm back. Love you bunches xo jade

We snuck through the house not wanting to wake everyone up then shot out the front door, Felix opened the door to his nice corvette then we was on our way
On the other side of town there was a nice little restaurant called lori's. The foods way over priced and the dining is even more fancy. Felix parked the car and yet again opened my door for me like I was some sort of princess than ushered me inside.
Walking through the door I looked around to a vacant room lined with fairy lights white roses and lit candles. It was absolutely stunning.
The waitress came up to us and told us to follow her over to we're we'd be sitting. It was right next to a old antique fireplace with the fire roaring, I watched the flames as they danced then turned around to find Felix on one knee.

Jade McKenzie layne, I have loved you from the moment you walked into my class room. I love your spunk and outgoing way of looking at life, I want to spend the rest of my life waking up next you touching you and giving you the world will you do me the favor of being my wife?

Crying I said yes jumping right into his arms and kissing him. Pulling my head away he looked at me saying I promise to wake up every day and cherish you I promise to protect you and be the man that you deserve every second, every hour of every day.
We sat and ate our breakfast just enjoying each other's company talking about our future and everyone we have to telling about the engagement and life felt right in that small moment.
It finally came time to pay the check and leave. Stopping me at the door he informed me there was one more surprise he had for me. I looked at him a little taken back and decided just to go along with it. I had no idea where we were headed and the whole way there Felix held my hand giving it small kisses here and there.
I watched as the car pulled down a long driveway with beautifully manicured grass on each side and big fluffy hedges that were painted with white and red roses. At the end of the road lay a very old but very welly kept up white boarding house. A huge fountain right in the middle of the drive.
Looking to him I said it's pretty but what are we doing here, he told me I'd see then cut the car off telling me to follow him. I did as he asked following him right up to the huge double doors, I watched as he opened them. The first thing I noticed was a big winding stair case, he gave me the tour to the rest of the house and I have to say I was in love.
Then he stopped.

It yours if you want it. Decorate it how ever you want but you have to promise me we'll start a family here.

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